MB_R Associated Centers

Contributors may decide to keep their productions on their own site as long as the main site has all the information about the nature of the contributions (page descriptions) and the URL of each page to make possible their insertion in the various listings. 

Associated sites should all use the same templates to insure a homogeneous presentation. They are responsible for providing downloads directly to the users.

Besides making the task of the MB_R center manager lighter, it  also spreads storage requirements on more than one site.

With such a structure, the users will be offered updated resources faster than with a centralized site. It is thus in their interest to pay direct visits to these associated sites.

On the 10th of April  2001, the only associated site can be viewed as a prototype for interested contributors. It is hoped that others will join soon.


Robert Edwards http://home.earthlink.net/~maptoolssdk/