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#1 Thu 17 January 2019 13:36

Participant actif
Date d'inscription: 20 Jan 2008
Messages: 102

erreur pour stopper service dans arcgis server


j'utilise ce script pour démarrer ou stopper un service


import urllib, urllib2, json
import arcpy

def gentoken(server, port, adminUser, adminPass, expiration=60):
    #Re-usable function to get a token required for Admin changes
    query_dict = {'username':   adminUser,
                  'password':   adminPass,
                  'expiration': str(expiration),
                  'client':     'requestip'}
    query_string = urllib.urlencode(query_dict)
    url = "http://{}:{}/arcgis/admin/generateToken".format(server, port)
    token = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(url + "?f=json", query_string).read())
    if "token" not in token:
        return token['token']

def stopStartServices(server, port, adminUser, adminPass, stopStart, serviceList, token=None):  
    ''' Function to stop, start or delete a service.
    Requires Admin user/password, as well as server and port (necessary to construct token if one does not exist).
    stopStart = Stop|Start|Delete
    serviceList = List of services. A service must be in the <name>.<type> notation
    If a token exists, you can pass one in for use.  
    # Get and set the token
    if token is None:       
        token = gentoken(server, port, adminUser, adminPass)
    # Getting services from tool validation creates a semicolon delimited list that needs to be broken up
    services = serviceList.split(';')
    #modify the services(s)    
    for service in services:        
        service = urllib.quote(service.encode('utf8'))
        op_service_url = "http://{}:{}/arcgis/admin/services/{}/{}?token={}&f=json".format(server, port, service, stopStart, token)        
        status = urllib2.urlopen(op_service_url, ' ').read()
        if 'success' in status:
            arcpy.AddMessage(str(service) + " === " + str(stopStart))

et j'ai cet erreur IOError: [Errno socket error] [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed  et je ne vois pas du tout ce qui cloche??

merci de votre aide

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