The xxx_s.TTF symbolic transformed files


The transformation of a font file from "normal xxx.TTF" to "symbolic xxx_s.TTF" can generate changes in the character set that may alter the integrity of this set, or its use. Three main changes must be faced:

1 - only the first 224 characters will be accessible in a symbol font (some may be lost and one should compare "text" and "symbol": sets)

2 - mappings can be altered (i have no idea how to detect that easily)

3 - word wrapping is not available in a symbol font (which should not be of import in symbol "sentences")

A last technical change exists in a few fonts that I had to "recreate". In the process, I had to move some glyphs in their own spaces so that they would print without truncation. The relative position of all the glyphs may not be as that in the original font.


All the original fonts were publicly available, but that does not necessarily means that they can be used without restrictions, or modified prior to using them.

Concerning rights and namings, I have infringed almost all the ethical rules but that of stealing authorship. For the fonts I have recreated, all original namings have disappeared. Further, any restrictive right to embedding was eliminated in all xxx_s.TTF fonts.



If you choose to install such fonts for testing, you implictly agree to bear the entire responsability associated with rights infringement and not to transfer onto me in part or in toto such responsability. Besides, you will not hold me responsible for any technical flaw that could have any impact on your work.

Further use of the fonts in your work will be a break in this agreement and will remove me for good from the picture.