The MapInfo Environment section of this site regroups issues that deal with some aspects of the implementation of that software not directly related with the use of MapBasic but having possible impacts on programming or designing applications.

Some topics were already available in different places and under different formats, it will give these documents and the newer ones a better exposure and make finding and consulting them easier.

Alter MapInfoDialog statement (new, June 2006)

Little known statement that modifies directly controls appearance or contents. Examples of possible use. Requires good info on ID for dialogs and controls. Several documents on use and resources. Complete sets of dialogs in jpg format.


Énoncé peu connu qui modifie directement l'apparence ou le contenu des contrôles d'un dialogue MI. Exemples d'utilisation possible. Requiert une bonne info sur les ID des dialogues et de leurs contrôles. Plusieurs documents (en anglais) sur les conditions d'utilisation et les ressources, Collections complètes de dialogues en format jpg.

BRUSH PATTERNS (already in the Documents of the MB_R section) 

How to create and use your own brush patterns for painting closed objects. 

COLOURS (new, April 2002)

Playing with colours has always been fun. The original of olds has been rejuvenated and expanded with some of the "Managing colours" chapter of "My MI Bag o'Tricks"

DIALOG & CONTROLS (new, Octobre 2006)

L'énoncé Dialog et ses Controls sont analysés en détails avec d'abondants exemples de code MB et des illustrations de résultats.

ICONS FOR BUTTONPADS (new, march 2002)

How to create or modify icons that can be used in buttonpads.


"Icons for Buttonpads" is the main document of this section. It is also available with all its appendices as a PDF file in the "" that contains many more resources. This section will also house "Icons Libraries" as they will be offered by fellow MIers.

.LIGNES DÉCALÉES (mise-à-jour + extension, 26 novembre 2002)

Comment utiliser des styles de ligne décalés pour augmenter les possibilités de présentation spécialisée (trajets, sous-lignage de régions, motifs estompés). Nouveau fichier PEN avec 9 styles décalés. 

OFFSET LINE PATTERNS (initiated 25 April 2002, reworked 25 Nov 2002)

Started with a MapInfoW.PEN file created by Pierre Blanc with MILISTED and containing 4 line styles offset from center by few pixels. Addition on April 27, 2002 of "Some notes on using offset line patterns" and "Outlining regions with offset lines".

Reworked as a single document with a new topic about fading patterns. A new pen file with 9 offset styles is available now.


Section dealing with different topics relative to the use of the MapBasic window and not contained in the "Mini-Guide to the MapBasic window" (see in the documents available for order in the PPCC section of this site)


La section "MapBasic dans sa fenêtre" contient des documents donnant des règles et des exemples d'utilisation du MapBasic dans le contexte de sa fenêtre ou de celui de certains "requesters". Plusieurs documents à venir.