

CreateDirectoryEx creates a new directory on a disk. It also allows you to specify the security attributes of the newly created directory, if the operating system supports it. The newly created directory will inherit most of its attributes (except security) from a template directory specified by the function

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Jacques Paris


Restrictions on use
Declare 32-bit

Declare Function CreateDirectoryEx Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "CreateDirectoryExA" (

   ByVal lpTemplateDirectory As String, 

   ByVal lpNewDirectory As String, 

   lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES

   ) As Long


Required Type definition
lpTemplateDirectory The name of the directory to use as an attribute template for creating the new directory
lpNewDirectory The name of the new directory to create.
lpSecurityAttributes Windows NT, 2000: The security attributes to assign to the newly created directory. Windows 95, 98, CE: This parameter is ignored.
Return value
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero.
See also
CreateDirectory(), CreateFile(), RemoveDirectory()