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Jacques Paris 21.03.03
DLL calls used by this example









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   dwLowDateTime As Integer

   dwHighDateTime As Integer

End Type



   wYear As Smallint

   wMonth As Smallint

   wDayOfWeek As Smallint

   wDay As Smallint

   wHour As Smallint

   wMinute As Smallint

   wSecond As Smallint

   wMilliseconds As Smallint

End Type



   nLength As Integer

   lpSecurityDescriptor As Integer

   bInheritHandle As Logical

End Type


Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "CreateFileA" (

   ByVal lpFileName As String,

   ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Integer,

   ByVal dwShareMode As Integer,

   lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES,

   ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Integer,

   ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Integer,

   ByVal hTemplateFile As Integer) As Integer


Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32.dll" (

   ByVal hObject As Integer) As Integer


Declare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib "kernel32.dll" (

   lpFileTime As FILETIME,

   lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME) As integer


Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib "kernel32.dll" (

   lpFileTime As FILETIME,

   lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Integer


Declare Function GetFileTime Lib "kernel32.dll" (

   ByVal hFile As Integer,

   lpCreationTime As FILETIME,

   lpLastAccessTime As FILETIME,

   lpLastWriteTime As FILETIME) As Integer



Dim hFile As Integer      ' handle to the opened file

Dim ctime As FILETIME     ' receives time of creation

Dim atime As FILETIME     ' receives time of last access

Dim mtime As FILETIME     ' receives time of last modification

Dim thetime As SYSTEMTIME ' used to manipulate the time

Dim retval As Integer     ' return value

dim a_sec as Security_Attributes 'required for the createfile function

dim afile as string       'to hold the file path/name


' Get the handle for the file

afile=fileopendlg("","","","File to query")

if afile="" then exit sub end if

hFile = CreateFile(afile, &H80000000, &H1, a_sec, 3, &H20, 0)

If hFile = -1 Then Print "Could not open the file successfully -- aborting." Exit sub End If


' Get the creation, last-access, and last-modification times.

retval = GetFileTime(hFile, ctime, atime, mtime)


' Convert the creation time to the local time zone. To get last-access

' last-modification, repeat the conversion for each 'time'

retval = FileTimeToLocalFileTime (ctime, ctime)


' Convert the FILETIME format to the SYSTEMTIME format.

retval = FileTimeToSystemTime (ctime, thetime)


' Display the date and time of creation of the file

Note afile+chr$(10)+"was created on "+str$(thetime.wMonth)+ "-"+ thetime.wDay+ "-"+ thetime.wYear

+" at "+str$(thetime.wHour)+":"+str$(thetime.wMinute)+":"+str$(thetime.wSecond)


' Close the file to free up resources.

retval = CloseHandle(hFile)


Returns the create date/time of a single file. For complete info on other dates/times and size of a single file or a set of files see the File_Set_Info example