
The UnregisterHotKey function frees a hot key previously registered by the calling thread
Library Transcribed by Date of page Updated on
User32.dll J.Paris 17.03.03  
Restrictions on use
Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later; Requires Windows 95 or later
Declare 32-bit
declare function UnRegisterHotKey Lib "user32.dll"(

        byval hwnd as integer, 

        byval ind as integer 


As Integer

Required Type definition


Identifies the window that will receive WM_HOTKEY messages generated by the hot key. If this parameter is NULL, WM_HOTKEY messages are posted to the message queue of the calling thread and must be processed in the message loop

ind Specifies the identifier of the hot key.
Return value
If the function succeeds, Non-zero. If it faiis, 0.

see Enable/Disable_DEL_Key 

See also
