
This sub changes the style of the objects contained in a selection
Author Date of code (original) Updated on Date of page (original) Updated on
Jacques Paris


Restrictions on use
This module is distributed under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License. Restrictions on the use of this work in a commercial application or derivative work is described in the Lesser GNU General Public License page at:
This sub changes the styles of the objects contained in the current selection. All the objects of the same type receive the same style. Objects in the selection can be of different types. If a new style is not specified for some object type, the defaut style will be used. The size of text objects is not modified even though a point size is specified.
External resources

Declare statement of sub_function. Include in your program. Copy/Paste if needed.
declare sub ChangeSelStyle      
Returned value(s) (function only)

Other required declare statement(s). Include in your program. Copy/Paste if needed.
If not already required by program: include "mapbasic.def"
MapBasic Code. Copy/Paste if needed.
sub ChangeSelStyle

dim nobj,npts,npli,nreg,ntxt,i as integer  
dim ob as object
dim nusym as symbol    
dim nupen, nuper as pen  
dim nubru as brush
dim nufon as font


if nobj=0 then exit sub end if
for i=1 to nobj
   fetch rec i from selection     
   do case objectinfo(ob,obj_info_type)
      case obj_type_arc, obj_type_line, obj_type_pline
      case obj_type_ellipse, obj_type_region, obj_type_rect, obj_type_roundrect
      case obj_type_point
      case obj_type_text
   end case

dialog title +"Setting styles for the objects in the selection"
   control statictext title "You must set a style for each type that has been found in the"
           +chr$(10)+"selection (see check boxes) or the current styles will be used"
           height 20 width 190 position 15,5
     control symbolpicker position 15,30 value currentsymbol() into nusym
   control penpicker position 59,30 value currentpen() into nupen
   control brushpicker position 106,30 value currentbrush() into nubru
   control penpicker position 126,30 value currentpen() into nuper       
   control fontpicker position 174,30 value currentfont() into nufon
   control checkbox position 22,52 value npts disable
   control checkbox position 66,52 value npli disable
   control checkbox position 123,52 value nreg disable  
   control checkbox position 181,52 value ntxt disable  
   control statictext position 16,60 title "Points"  
   control statictext position 61,60 title "Lines"
   control statictext position 114,60 title "Regions"
   control statictext position 177,60 title "Text"
   control okbutton position 30,77  control cancelbutton position 140,77

if not commandinfo(cmd_info_dlg_ok) then exit sub end if

for i=1 to nobj
   fetch rec i from selection     
   do case objectinfo(ob,obj_info_type)
      case obj_type_arc, obj_type_line, obj_type_pline
         alter object ob info obj_info_pen, nupen
      case obj_type_ellipse, obj_type_region, obj_type_rect, obj_type_roundrect
         alter object ob info obj_info_brush, nubru
         alter object ob info obj_info_pen, nuper
      case obj_type_point
         alter object ob info obj_info_symbol, nusym   
      case obj_type_text
         alter object ob info obj_info_textfont, nufon   
   end case                                                        
   update selection set obj=ob where rowid=i

end sub
Availability for download
include "mapbasic.def"
declare sub main
declare sub ChangeSelStyle      

sub main

' a selection must exist
select * from whatever_open_table_name into sel

call ChangeSelStyle

end sub


See also