ExtractNumber$( )

Extracts a number part of a string
Author Date of code (original) Updated on Date of page (original) Updated on

Tim Nuteson 




Restrictions on use
This module is distributed under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License. Restrictions on the use of this work in a commercial application or derivative work is described in the Lesser GNU General Public License page at: http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html

ExtractNumber$() finds in a string the numeric characters that forms a number. The "number" should be preceded by a space and followed by a space or the end of the string. The "number" can be an integer or a decimal number as long as it contains a leading digit (zero or non-null). Only the first "number" of a string is extracted.

Designed originally for parsing out highway numbers for display in highway shields

External resources
Declare statement of sub_function. Include in your program. Copy/Paste if needed.
Declare function ExtractNumber$ (byval Str as string) as String
Returned value(s) (function only)
a string of characters forming a number. The string is empty if no number is found.
Other required declare statement(s). Include in your program. Copy/Paste if needed.

MapBasic Code. Copy/Paste if needed.

Function ExtractNumber$(Byval Str as String) as String


Dim SubStr as String

Dim numpos, spacepos, checkpos as SmallInt


For checkpos = 1 to Len(str)

   If Mid$(str, checkpos, 1) = any("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0") Then

      NumPos = checkpos

      Exit For

   End If



If NumPos then

   SpacePos = Instr(numpos, Str, " ")

End If


If Spacepos then

   SubStr = Mid$(str, numpos, spacepos-numpos)


   SubStr = Mid$(str, numpos, len(str) - numpos + 1)

End If


ExtractNumber$ = SubStr


End Function

Availability for download

dim result as string

result = extractnumber$("Are we in 2002 or not?")

if result ="" then

    print "No number in string"


    print val(result)

end if


1 - If a decimal number could start with a 'point', i.e. without leading digit, the code should be modified by adding "." to the list of ANY( ).

2 - If there are more than one number in the string, that string should be repeatedly truncated and processed with the function as long as a number is found.

See also