GreatCircleDistance( )

Calculates distance along great circle route between two points.
Author Date of code (original) Updated on Date of page (original) Updated on
Bill Thoen
Restrictions on use
This module is distributed under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License. Restrictions on the use of this work in a commercial application or derivative work is described in the Lesser GNU General Public License page at:
Returns the great circle distance between two points. Distance units are the same as those of the radius. This is equivalent to MapInfo's Distance() function.
External resources
Declare statement of sub_function. Include in your program. Copy/Paste if needed.
declare function GreatCircleDistance (
   byval fLon0 as float,    'Origin longitude
   byval fLat0 as float,    'Origin latitude
   byval fLon1 as float,    'Destination longitude
   byval fLat1 as float,    'Destination latitude
   byval fRadius as float t  'Radius of earth
   ) as float
Returned value(s) (function only)
  distance in the same units as the earth radius
Other required declare statement(s). Include in your program. Copy/Paste if needed.
include "GC_Constants.def"
include "GC_Distance.def"
MapBasic Code. Copy/Paste if needed.
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Availability for download
include "GC_Constants.def
include "GC_Distance.def"

dim fLat0, fLon0, fLat1, fLon1 as float
dim fDistance as float

   fLat0 = 40 fLon0 = -105
   fLat1 = 42 fLon1 = -72

   fDistance = GreatCircleDistance (fLon0, fLat0, fLon1,
      fLat1, EARTH_RADIUS)
By default, the EARTH_RADIUS constant is set to 3958.75 (miles). To use kilometers or some other measure, comment and uncomment the appropriate lines in GC_Constants.def. GreatCircleDistance() produces identical results as MapInfo's spherical distance function when you set the earth's radius to 3958.75 and use miles as the distance units. However, unlike MapInfo's function, this can be used for different sized spheres such as other planets.
See also
GreatCircleAzimuth( )
GreatCircleCoordinates( )