
Helps choosing one among all the open tables
Author Date of code (original) Updated on Date of page (original) Updated on
Jacques Paris


Restrictions on use
This module is distributed under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License. Restrictions on the use of this work in a commercial application or derivative work is described in the Lesser GNU General Public License page at:
Opens a requester displaying all open tables (choice offered between mappable only and all of them) and returns the name of the selected table. If only one "potential" table exists, its name is returned without requester.
External resources

Declare statement of sub_function. Include in your program. Copy/Paste if needed.
declare function SelOpenTab (
   byval mappabl 'logical value TRUE=mappable maps only
   ) as string

Returned value(s) (function only)
    ""        (blank) no file selected
    string    selected file name
Other required declare statement(s). Include in your program. Copy/Paste if needed.
MapBasic Code. Copy/Paste if needed.
include "mapbasic.def"

function SelOpenTab(byval mappabl as logical) as string

dim TableNames(0) as string
dim i, result, NumberOfTables, TableIndex as smallint

' *************** get the name of an open Table
NumberOfTables = 0

if NumTables()>0 then
   if mappabl then
      for i=1 to NumTables()
         if TableInfo(i,TAB_INFO_MAPPABLE) then
         NumberOfTables = NumberOfTables+1   
         ReDim TableNames(NumberOfTables)
         TableNames(NumberOfTables) = TableInfo(i,TAB_INFO_NAME)
         end if
       if NumberOfTables=0 then
          Note "No mappable table found!"
          exit sub
       end if
       for i=1 to NumTables()
          NumberOfTables = NumberOfTables+1   
         ReDim TableNames(NumberOfTables)
         TableNames(NumberOfTables) = TableInfo(i,TAB_INFO_NAME)
     end if
       Note "No tables open!"  
       exit sub
end if
if NumberOfTables=1 then SelOpenTab=TableNames(1) exit sub end if
TableIndex = 1

 Dialog Title "Choose a table"
  Control ListBox Title from variable TableNames
    Value TableIndex Into TableIndex
  Control OKButton
  Control CancelButton
 if not CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then Exit Sub end if


end function
Availability for download
include "mapbasic.def"
declare sub main
declare function TabNeedPack(tabname as string) as smallint
declare function SelOpenTab(byval mappabl as logical) as string

sub main

dim nametab as string
dim result as smallint
dim mapp as logical

mapp=ask("Select only among mappable tables?","Yes","No")

if nametab="" then exit sub end if


do case result
   case 1
   note nametab + " does not require packing"
      case 2
     note nametab + " contains records without object"
     case 3
     note nametab + " requires packing (there are deleted records)"
     case 4
     note nametab + " requires packing (there are deleted records)" +chr$(10)+ " and contains records without object"  
     case else
     note"Some trouble was encountered dealing with "+nametab
end case

end sub
This example calls also on the TabNeedPack() function
See also