The MB_Resource Center

Introduction and conditions of use.

This site is the result of the initiative of several MI-L members who have undertaken the task to make MapBasic programming easier to beginners and more effective to more seasoned programmers by offering them a collection of free and documented resources in the form of pre-packaged code (Functions and Subs), detailled calls to outside resources, examples of solutions to various situations and support documents.

We believe that such entreprise should become the responsability of many, that additions to the collections should come from a base as wide as possible, that evolution of the various items should be an on-going process to always improve and enlarge the realm of their application.

We also believe firmly that this service should be and remain free to the individual user, but that individual contributions should be recognized in the use made of them.

These reasons have lead us to adopt the policy that anyone planning to use any part of the documents contained in this site must agree to the conditions set forth under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License.