The MBR Kit offers several tools for helping in the preparation of the 'pages' describing the various contributions

INF for Functions&Subs and Scripts

xxx stands for FS (Functions and Subs) or Script

The basic templates (INF_xxx.INF) are designed to help putting the required text in its proper places. These templates can be used with any word processor, as long as they are saved in plain text and with the .inf extension.

Explanations on what to write and how to structure the information are inserted in the appropriate places in the EXPLAIN_xxx.INF files offered also as EXPLAIN_xxx.RTF for easier reading.

Download the INF_models zip file
TPL for Functions&Subs and Scripts

xxx stands for FS (Functions and Subs) or Script

The basic templates (TPL_xxx.TPL) are required to generate HTML files using Bill Thoen's CodeReplace.mbx. They contain the formating information necessary to obtain the require display and the keywords that will be used to insert in the HTML page the info contained in the corresponding INF files.

These templates can be modified with any word processor, as long as they are saved in plain text and with the .tpl extension. One must be carefull that the corrections made to the TPL do not affect the INF model, or that symetrical corrections are brought to the INF files.

Some explanations are provided in the proper places of these templates. They duplicate the information contained in the EXPLAIN files.

Download the TPL_models zip file
CodeReplace.mbx utility

This utility written by Bill Thoen generates HTM pages by combining the formating information contained in one of the available TPL_xxx.TPL models with a .INF file of the same definition.

The utility, still under development, is offered as such with a minimum of information. Any feedback on it can be provided directly to Bill Thoen.

Download the CodeReplace zip file