Dialog Minimum Display Time

This MapBasic script shows how to use only MB to make sure that a dialog stays displayed for a given delay and that it can be closed only by the user clicking the OK button.
Authors Date of code (original) Updated on Date of page (original) Updated on

David Windeler


Jacques Paris 




Restrictions on use
This example is distributed under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License. Restrictions on the use of this work in a commercial application or derivative work is described in the Lesser GNU General Public License page at: http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html
The timer() function is used to register the display time of the dialog, a handler is attached to the OK button and a loop restores the dialog when the user clicks on the Cancel button (if present) or on the x button at the upper right corner of the dialog.

The OK button handler checks the actual computer time against the registered starting time plus the delay, and closes the dialog when the right is right.

External resources
MapBasic Code. Copy/Paste if needed.

Parts that are essential to the solution are in bold


declare sub main

declare sub hold

declare sub next   ' just for demo sake


' "dim" can be replaced by "global"

' delay is used to shows clearly how it is used;

'   could be eliminated and replaced by a numeric value in the sub

dim startime, delay as integer


sub main

delay=3                 ' sets the delay in seconds



dialog title "Wait a minute,... or less"

       control statictext title "Very important message. "

                     + "Press ok to close it, but you may have to wait"

       control okbutton calling hold

if not commandinfo(1) then goto loop1 end if

' program continues directly

note "Next operation..."

' or by calling a sub

call next

end sub


sub hold

while startime+delay>timer()

dialog preserve


dialog remove

end sub


sub next

note "next..."

end sub

Availability for download
It is the closest we came to full automation with MB. The dialog does not close by itself, the user must still intervene by clicking the OK button.

If the user does not click the OK button, the dialog does not close even if the right time has been reached.

See also