More information on COASTS2.ZIP

*** Requires the presence of VBRUN300.DLL in the Windows directory ***

ver. 1.0, Aug 1997, VB3.0, 18KB

COASTS2.ZIP contains:

CRUS2MI2 converts the files generated on CRUSTY with the MAP GEN format to MIF/MID files readable in MI version 3+.

CRUSTY ( is a site that allows extraction of coastline data according to user's specifications relative to the MBR (lon and lat maxi and mini), data definition (scale and corresponding coverage), and export formats (compression and writing standards of the ASCII files). This web site contains coastline and some international boundary data sets of the world at scales ranging from 1:2,000,000 to 1:70,000.

GENA2MI2 converts the files generated by the ArcInfo UNGENERATE command (POLYLINES only), in particular the files made available by the NOAA's Medium Resolution Digital Vector Shoreline (Continental US only at the 1/70000 scale) via or


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