More information on COLORFUN.ZIP

ver. 1.0, Oct 1997, MB4.12, 55KB

COLORFUN.ZIP contains:


Made of 8 tables (col512a through col512h) each with a graph of combinations of 8 levels of green with 8 levels of blue for one of the 8 levels of red, plus COLOR512.WOR to display them together.

As the limit of 255 different brushes is imposed on each MapInfo .TAB file, the joining of the 8 tables in the same mapper should show the ability of your graphic display driver to show all 512 colors. If not all the colors can be distinguished, check your video settings.



The tables of this zip file are a visualiztion of the colors described in the compilation made by Alistair Duncan and available on the ftp-site ( with the archive.

As the number of different names exceeds 255, the file has been truncated in three tables with 246 colors each. One set of 3 tables (colnama1, colnama2 and colnama3) and its companion workspace (colnama.wor) is generated in the same order as the original file. The other set of 3 tables (colnamb1, colnamb2 and colnamb3) with its workspace (colnamb.wor) is in the RGB order.

One could notice that the original list contains many "synchromous" brushes, i.e. different names with the same color definition. As this list is in 3 parts, searches for color names or components should be carried out on the original one, not on the partial ones used for these displays.



This archive is made of a MapInfo application COLVAR01.MBX and of a table COLVARTX.

The application generates color variants starting from a base color defined by its R, B, G components and adding or substracting a given value (the step) on each component separately or taken in combination on two or three. The 26 variants (plus the base color) are displayed in 3 graphs in the same mapper.

The COLVARTX.TAB added to the graphs mapper shows how the graphs are built up. Automatic labelling displays all brushes; it can be turned off from the layer control.

These graphs make it possible to see how large has to be the step to create visible differences between "neighbor" colors.



This file in WRITE format.


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