More information of FHA2MIR2.ZIP

*** Requires the presence of VBRUN300.DLL in the Windows directory ***

*** This reduced capacity version allows for the extraction of a limited number of objects. ***

ver. 2.0, Nov 1995, VB 3.0, 24KB

This program produces MIF/MID files that can be read by MapInfo v.3+ and simple text files in some situations. The graphic objects can be points - as symbols or as polygon centroids -, or lines - as parts of networks or as sides of polygons. Even though some display values are attributed by default to the graphic objects, further treatment could be necessary after importation into MapInfo particularly if one wants to build polygons from edges or associate text to geographical locations.

FHA2MIR2.ZIP contains:

FHA2MIR2.EXE - Visual Basic v.3 executable
FHA2MI2.DOC - User's guide in WORD 6 format
FHA2MR2.TXT - Zip contents


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