More information on GPW2MIR.ZIP

*** Requires the presence of VBRUN300.DLL in the Windows directory. ***

ver. 1.0, June 1996, VB 3.0, 15KB

*** This reduced capacity version allows only for the extraction of a limited size window. ***

The Gridded Population of the World files are available through CIESIN. For details about access see the GPW2MI.WRI file.

Four population variables are available : raw and smoothed population counts, raw and smoothed population density, for "geographic" squares of 1/12 degree (5 arc minutes). contains:

GPW2MIR.EXE - Visual Basic v.3 executable
GPW2MIR.WRI - Details relative to the RC version in text (WRITE) format
GPW2MI.WRI - Instructions in text (WRITE) format GPW2MIR.TXT - Zip contents


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