More information on POLYNODE11.ZIP

ver. 1.1, June 1999, MB 4.12, 18KB

*** MI 5.5 recommended to avoid some "Errors Overlaying Objects" ***

Finds for each node of the regions in a table the number of polygons they belong to. Results are presented in a table (to be saved by the user) that distinguishes between inside and outside nodes, and indicates critical situations (more than 2 polygons for the outside, more than 3 for the inside).

This program was written in the pre-5.5 days to help editing maps in order to reduce potential "Errors Overlaying Objects" as it was proven that the risks of "EOO" dramatically increased if the number of polygons to which a node belong reached some critical value. contains:

polynode.mbx application
polynode.doc documentation (see below for on screen reading)
polynode.txt installation notes

Read here POLYNODE.DOC Error Overlaying Objects discussion paper and implementation in POLYNODE


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