More Information on XYZ4MI.ZIP

ver. 1.0, Sept 1997, MB4.12, VB3.0, 45KB

*** Requires vbrun300.dll to be present in the Windows directory. ***

This program extracts one variable for each point or node of a polyline or polygon into a .xyz file that can be read by Visual Explorer. After transformation in Visual Explorer, such as 3D extrapolation, a new .xyz file can be exported and translated by XYZ4MI into a pair of .mid/.mif files readable by MapInfo.

With XYZ4MI, it is possible to represent any variable with a spatial distribution that exists in a MI table by a 3D terrain model (V.E. primary mission) or by an interpolated cellular map after processing in V.E. (V.E. by-product reinserted into MI).

The combination of XYZ4MI with Visual Explorer or its registered shareware version Landscape Explorer adds a new dimension to MapInfo that is only available with much more sophisticated applications such as Vertical Mapper.

Link to Visual Explorer author's website.

XYZ4MI.ZIP contains:

XYZ4MI1.EXE Visual Basic v.3 executable
XYZ4MI1.MBX MapBasic executable
XYZ4MIFR.WRI Fichier d'instructions en format Write
XYZ4MIEN.WRI User's guide in Write format


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