[[traduction_soft|Retour]] Contenu de proj.eng à traduire : 1 "Latitudes are invalid outside [-90,90]" @ 2 "Scale factor should be larger than zero" @ 3 "Height of perspective center must be larger than zero" @ 4 "Invalid Standard Parallels" @ 5 "UTM zones are numbered 1..60" @ 6 "Gauss-Boaga zones are numbered 1,2" @ 7 "Gauss Colombia zones are numbered 1..4" @ 8 "Gauss-Krueger zones are numbered 1,2,3" @ 9 "Lambert France zones are numbered 1..4" @ 10 "Standard Parallels should define a cone, not a cylinder" @ 11 "Latitude of True Scale should not be 0" @ 12 "Invalid Ellipsoid Definition" @ 13 "Zone number must be in the range [1 .. %li]" @ 14 "Longitudes are invalid outside [-360,360]" @ 100 "False &Easting" @ 101 "False &Northing" @ 102 "&Central Meridian" @ 103 "&Latitude of True Scale" @ 104 "Central &Parallel" @ 105 "Standard Parallel &1 " @ 106 "Standard Parallel &2 " @ 107 "&Scale Factor" @ 108 "Northern &Hemisphere" @ 109 "&Zone" @ 110 "Height &Persp. Center" @ 111 "Tilted/&Rotated Projection Plane" @ 112 "&Tilt of Projection Plane" @ 113 "Azim of Projection &Y-Axis" @ 114 "&Azim of Central Line of True Scale" @ 115 "Pole of &Oblique Cylinder" @ 116 "&North Oriented XY Coord System" @ 117 "Unknown Parameter" @ 118 "Prime Meridian" @ 200 "Central Meridian: %.8lf degrees" @ 201 "Zone Number: %li" @ 202 "Scale Factor at Central Meridian: %.8lf" @ 203 "Hemisphere North" @ 204 "Hemisphere South" @