
Contenu de georef.eng à traduire :

   1 "Create GeoReference" @ 
   2 "GeoReference Editor" @ 
   3 "GeoReference Editor: %S" @ 
   4 "Add Tie Point" @ 
   5 "Customize GeoRefEditor" @ 
   6 "Transformation" @ 
   7 "Delete Tie Point" @ 
   8 "Quality Information" @ 
   9 "Tie Point Table" @ 
  10 "Create GeoReference 3D" @ 
 100 "Not a valid GeoReference name" @ 
 101 "GeoReference already exists" @ 
 102 "Pixel size too small" @ 
 103 "%li lines and %li columns" @ 
 104 "Minimum should be smaller than maximum" @ 
 105 "Pixel Size = %.3f m" @ 
 106 "Pixel Size = %.3f m, %.3f m" @ 
 107 "Not enough points" @ 
 108 "Singular Matrix" @ 
 109 "Error" @ 
 110 "Sigma = %6.3f pixels" @ 
 111 "Add Tiepoint number %i" @ 
 112 "Row and/or Col offset should be less than the Factor" @ 
 113 "Factor should be larger than 1" @ 
 114 "Pixel Size = %S" @ 
 115 "Pixel Size = %S, %S" @ 
 200 "GeoReference not editable" @ 
 201 "GeoReference Editor" @ 
 202 "Reference Map has other georeference" @ 
 203 "DTM is not valid" @ 
 204 "Photobase is too short" @ 
 205 "Transferred PP undefined or at wrong side" @ 
 206 "Scale point 1 too close to flight-line" @ 
 207 "Scale point 2 too close to flight-line" @ 
 400 "Transformation: " @ 
 401 "Conformal" @ 
 402 "Affine" @ 
 403 "Second Order Bilinear" @ 
 404 "Full Second Order" @ 
 405 "Third Order" @ 
 406 "Projective" @ 
 407 "Linked GeoRef" @ 
 408 "First Row, Col: %li, %li" @ 
 409 "First Coordinate: (%.3lf, %.3lf)" @ 
 410 "Opposite Coordinate: (%.3lf, %.3lf)" @ 
 411 ", linked to %S" @ 
 412 "Increased pixel size, factor =" @ 
 413 "Decreased pixel size, factor =" @ 
 500 "&GeoReference Name" @ 
 501 "GeoRef &Corners" @ 
 502 "GeoRef &Tiepoints" @ 
 503 "GeoRef &3-D display" @ 
 504 "&Coordinate System" @ 
 505 "&Background Map" @ 
 506 "&Rows, Columns" @ 
 507 "&DTM" @ 
 508 "&Pixel size" @ 
 509 "&Min X, Y" @ 
 510 "&Max X, Y" @ 
 511 "&Center of Corner pixels" @ 
 512 "Transformation:" @ 
 513 "&Conformal" @ 
 514 "&Affine" @ 
 515 "&Second Order Bilinear" @ 
 516 "&Full Second Order" @ 
 517 "&Third Order" @ 
 518 "&Projective" @ 
 519 "&Row, Col" @ 
 520 "&X, Y" @ 
 521 "&Color" @ 
 522 "GeoRef &Ortho Photo" @ 
 523 "&Description:" @ 
 524 "&Active Color" @ 
 525 "&Passive Color" @ 
 526 "Symbol &Size" @ 
 527 "&Tiepoint number" @ 
 528 "GeoRef &Direct Linear" @ 
 529 "&Principal Distance (mm)" @ 
 530 "&Fiducial Marks Color" @ 
 531 "&Z" @ 
 532 "a11= %lg,   a12= %lg" @ 
 533 "a21= %lg,   a22= %lg" @ 
 534 "b1= %lg,   b2= %lg" @ 
 535 "Edit Root GeoRef" @ 
 536 "Edit &Linked GeoRef" @ 
 537 "&Increase" @ 
 538 "Dec&rease" @ 
 539 "&Factor" @ 
 540 "&Offset Row, Col" @ 
 541 "&First Row, Col" @ 
 542 "&Size Row, Col" @ 
 543 "&Pixel size in Degrees" @ 
 544 "&Lat, Lon" @ 
 545 "&Medium Error" @ 
 546 "&Large Error" @ 
 547 "GeoRef &Parallel Projective" @ 
 548 "&Principal Point (mm,mm)" @ 
 549 "Allow 8 Fiducials" @ 
 600 "Delete selected tiepoints" @ 
 601 "Delete tiepoints" @