Free Data Sets


I have encountered these sets, found them somewhat useful, massaged some of them and I am returning them from where they came, the public. I will start with one that is ready and documented, others may follow as I have time to prepare them. If you have any free sets that you do not know what to do with, send them to me I will put them up here, in good company.



Name of set Description Size
wrldTZ_TAB World Time Zones in MI native format with original GPL data and "colored countries" maps 6573 kb
France_admin_LII Découpages administratifs "supérieurs" (régions, départements): limites et chefs-lieux. Lambert II. Source IGN. 1314 kb
us_hex_poly The EMAP hexagons covering the conterminous United States. 13923 hex with an average distance between centers of adjacent polygons of about 27 km. 1363 kb
UTM_grid_zones The "official" UTM grid zones with a very standard world map.

Les zones UTM "officielles" avec un carte du monde des plus ordinaires.

Zones MTM Québec The Modified Transverse Mercator zones for Québec

Les zones Mercator Transverse Modifié pour la province de Québec,
