Programs undergoing beta testing and their status

Symbol Setting Changer



June 1st 2001

Dec 15 2002

1st posting

full MLC application

Polygon Splitter v1.10 Sept 25, 2001 updated
Wipe Message Window v1.00 Sept 24, 2001 1st posting
Clip to Layout v1.00 Sept 26, 2001 1st posting
IndiValuThematics Beta 2.3 time stamped (31.12.07) Jan 28, 2002

Sep 11 02, new version corrected for long list of values


E00 GRD TO MI v1.0 Feb. 7, 2002 1st posting
Mid Line Beta 03 time stamped (03.09.02) Feb. 7, 2002 could be extended on request
SHAMAM Beta 08 Feb 11, 2002 1st posting
SHAMAM DEMO multi app Feb 11, 2002 1st posting
COL_PAL_MAKR Beta April 5, 2002 1st posting
RestoreCentro demo June 11, 2002 1st posting
AF_Manager Beta 02  July 4, 2002 ZIP reloaded July 5 with MBX 4.0 version.
FileSelInfo open Aug 20, 2002 1st posting
Disperse_Centro Beta 01 time stamped (21.06.03) Sep 09, 2002 March 27, 2003 full version 1.0 MLC compatible English  Français
PLine_Intersect Beta 03 time stamped (12.12.06) June, 1 2004 Time stamp has been again extended on request
All Regions Clockwise Beta 01 time stamped (31.12.02) Nov 1, 2002 1st posting
REGtangle Beta Nov 29, 2002 1st posting
ObjTransfer Beta May 5, 2003 Corrected version (names in numerical columns)
EditNodeXY Beta Mar 30, 2003 1st posting
MoveNode Beta Mar 30, 2003 Old program (19.06.00) 
Universal Style Converter Beta Oct 3, 2003 1st posting
Insère_texte Beta Oct 27, 2003 NOUVEAU
SetWinSubMax Beta Apr 5, 2005 NOUVEAU
WWStyle14 Beta Sep 30, 2005 NOUVEAU


De Traits à Bandes


Nov 26, 2005

1st posting


Txt2Attrib Beta Nov 28. 2005 1st posting
StdDateStr 1.0 Apr 28

Removed May 10. Replaced by DateStringConvertor in the MLC compliant section

AddObjectsWithID 2.1 Oct 9, 2006

version 2.1 corrigée

Fix_Len_ID 1.0 Oct 17, 2006

1st posting



Symbol Setting Changer

SSC allows changing one or several style settings for the symbols that are part of a selection, while leaving the other settings unchanged. It recognizes the 3 kinds of symbols and applies the changes accordingly.

The zip file contains only the mbx. Install it where you want. When run, it installs it in the TOOLS menu (MI=>4.5), in the main menu bar otherwise. A "Symbol Style" icon is added to the TOOLS buttonpad.

Make a selection first, then check the setting(s) to be changed

This application is now a full MLC application

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Polygon Splitter          UPDATE version 1.10

Split_Pgon splits a region in two parts using a polyline or a line.

The region must contain only one polygon. The pline must be made of only one section.

The pline must bisect fully the polygon, i.e. it must extend beyond the polygon or one or both of its ends must be snapped to a polygon node. The part of the pline inside the polygon must have only one section. 

The two new parts are added to the table without any data with the non-disaggregated data of the original region. The original region is deleted if users chooses.

Topological issues.

Adding a node to a polygon side results very often in a node not necessarily straight on the original side. The shape of the original polygon and the shape of the object that would be obtained by merging the two new parts will not perfectly coincide. The first topological issue is thus related to shape changes introduced by the addition of nodes.

The second issue appears when there is another region adjacent to the side in which a node has been added. If the adjacent region was not modified by the addition of a node at the same place as the node added to the "split" region, the perfect overlap of the sides of both regions would be lost.

Split_Pgon adds that extra node on adjacent region sides to reestablish a perfect overlap. Avoiding that second issue results however in extending the first issue (modified shape) to the adjacent regions if there is any.

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Wipe Message Window

A simple icon (open blank book) that wipes clean the message window with a click. With MB source.

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Clip to Layout

A prototype tool that uses the idea of "clip art" to add library objects into a layout. Could be used for illustrations (intended initially for North Arrows only) as well as for "page" templates. Much work still planned. Your input is most vital.

For details on this project, the zip file contains a text that can also be viewed from here : Clip2 Layout.txt

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IndiValuThematic is an alternative to MI standard "single Value" thematic mapping. It is based on the use of external templates (text files .IVT respecting the INI structure) to store values with the associated symbol style and label. including those for "missing" and "other" cases. An IVT template is thus different from the MI THM template that stores only a sequence of symbols without associated values. All thematic maps produced with the same IVT will have the same symbol for a given value, whether or not it is present in the table.

 All necessary elements for a legend are also registered: title and subtitle and their font styles, label font style. Several display options control the production of the thematic (inclusion or exclusion of missing cases) and of the legend (all categories or simply those present in the map, display or not of "missing" and "other" categories, counts). 

IVT templates can be generated by one of the functions on the basis of a displayed thematic analysis. Contents of the template can be reviewed and changed at each application, and changes can be saved to the template or used for the ongoing analysis only. Changes can also be made directly with a simple text editor. 

As the thematic analysis is a regular MI table, it can be easily saved as a permanent table.


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E00 grd to MI

E00Gr2MI reads in E00 grid files and transforms them into MapInfo tables.

It produces a set of MI files with the same name and in the same directory as the selected E00 file; it adds also a TXT file with the parameters it has found in the E00 for reference. The user must be able to identify the coordinate system on which the E00 is based.

It accepts only AI GRD format. As there are no publicly available sources describing that format, information used for decoding was essentially gained through experimentation. Anyone who could supply information or experience in that area is invited to communicate with the author and his contribution to the improvement of this public domain program will be properly recognized.

The user takes full responsabilty for the consequences of running this program. There is no guarantee that it will perform adequately in all circumstances. He should read carefully the user_notes.txt before launching the program.

Version MLC et notes en français dans le fichier zip.

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Mid Line

Finds points equidistant from 2 polylines and joins them into a polyline

The points are the intersections of buffers built on the polylines with widths increasing by a constant value within a specified range.

Requires that the 2 polylines be the first 2 objects in the selected table that must be packed. The table can contain other objects; if they are mid-points from a previous run, they can be included in the definition of the mid-line.

The user must supply the mini and maxi distances between the polylines and the increment, and he must select an end point for the mid-line.

Version MLC et notes en français dans le fichier zip.


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Makes sure that there is only one application calling for the same 'special event handler' open at the time.

The application definitions are stored in the INI language file; they are the application path and a message to appear as a tool tip message. A maximum of 9 applications can be defined in this version of the program.

Each application is assigned to a pushbutton. When one is launched, it will automatically close any other open application. An application can also be closed by clicking its assigned button or the Zero-button.

The definition of the applications can be entered directly in the INI file or by using the interface provided by the program.

The toolbar can be docked or floating and its position recorded as an option

Version MLC en français dans le fichier zip.

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The purpose of this demo is to show how SHAMAM can control the performance of tools using the same event handler (in this case SelChangedHandler).

Two NEW tools are provided for this test:

extract_nodes.MBX displays the nodes coordinates of a polyl(ine-gone). Load it and click on the desired object. A Notepad window will display all the coordinates in a format similar to the MIF format

reg_draw_dir.MBX displays the drawing direction of a region prints in the cosmetic layer "Clock" or "Counter". and if multiple polygons not drawn in the same direction "Mixed"

The tools can be used independently: load one and it is active. Do not unload it before loading the second: it becomes active but the first one is still there. Solution: unload the first one before using the second. That requires at each "switch" to unload one and to find the proper reference for the other.

Prepare SHAMAM for work: load it and add the definitions of the 2 tools. They are accessible from the new toolpad. Click on a button and it works. Click on the other and it works after the first one has been closed.

NOTE: SHAMAM can also be used as alternative to a limited TOOLS MANAGER

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Presented in the context of the 'Colors and MapInfo' chapter of the 'MapInfo Environment' section.

This beta program can help in the production of a color palette file that can replace the original MapInfoW.CLR.

Input can be a CLR-format or a DBF file; output a CLR and/or a DBF. A template XLS book is setup to help preparing a DBF file.

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Restores the centroid of a region in the position that would be assigned automatically by MI. All the other characteristics of the region (geography, style and tabular data) are preserved.

WARNING: The OBJ_GEO_CENTROID (code 5) argument used in that function was officially introduced by MI in its 6.5 version, but it existed in the MapBasic.def file since version 5.5. The MBX has a version stamp of 5.5 but there is no guarantee that the program will work for 5.5 or 6.0 versions.

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Uses a custom designed toolbar to launch applications. 

Initially conceived for function-type apps (i.e. app creating no menus and disappearing when they have done their work) it can also be used as an alternate to Tool Manager for regular applications. The function-type apps are awKward to load via the Tool Master or must be "found" each time they are required. They could be MBX (default) or WOR (change the extension in the browser)

The application definitions are stored in the INI language file; they are the application path, a text to appear as a tool tip message (by default the file name), the selected icon # and the name of the dll for external resources (blank for MI own icons). 

Each application is assigned to a pushbutton. The definition of the applications can be entered directly in the INI file while resppecting the format requirements, or by using the interface provided by the program. It offers "Browser" buttons for selecting the application, the icon from the MI internal ressources, or the dll and its icon if using external resources.

The use of the Browse buttons of AF_MANAGR requires the presence of the ICONPICKER.dll (in this zip of from the author's site at in the normal path of search if one wants to use external resources, and of the ICONS.DEF file (comes with MapBasic, get one for your MI version from a friend) located anywhere if one wants to use MI icons.

The toolbar can be docked or floating and its position recorded as an option.

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This application prints to a dialog window the size (in bytes and KB) and the dates of last modification, last access and creation of the selected File.


The selection is done by a FileOpenDlg requester. If the file extension is TAB, the user is given the choice of getting the output for the single file or for the entire set of files with that name. For the set, total

size of all files, most recent dates among all files for corresponding types.


The code that is the zip file was developed from a listing offered on MapInfo-L (2002-08-16) by Frank Barret ( who writes that "it has been plagiarised largely from the Tabinfo.mbx available at Other valuable input from Bill Thoen who does not know about it.

This as a free OPEN ware application; anyone who wants to add to it or improve it is welcome to do so but should make his new version available to everyone.

It is mainly an exercise in the use of API calls, a large part of the info is available in some MB basic functions, and all of it in Windows Explorer except for the "tab set summations".

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Documentation en français dans le fichier zip.

Disperse_Centro creates tables with centroids dispersed in various positions along a circle around the original centroids.

These tables can then be used for multiple point thematic analysis.

A 'dispersion' is defined by the number of points (positions, 2 to 6), the angle from the North (towards the East) of the first position (0 to 90) and the radius of the circle (expressed in the map units) along which the centroids are dispersed.

A 'dispersed' map contains all the centroids for a given position. The name of a map is the name of the original with the addition of _2 ... _6 (warning: newly created maps can be overwritten by another run using the same base map). A 'dispersed map' holds only one column chosen by the user to act as the 'commom column' in the joints required to carry out thematic analysis.

The user must experiment with the length of the radius to get the best results for some specific combination of printing or display scale and symbol size, i.e. no overlap of the symbols and compactness around original positions. One can also envisage concentric circles with different radiuses and offset first positions.

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Documentation en français dans le fichier PLine_Intersect.TXT placé dans le zip.

PLine_intersects identifies all intersections, including simple junctions, between polylines and lines of a given table and creates a new table to hold them.

The original table must contain plines and/or lines, and can hold objects of other types. One column is selected as holding pline unique names. Lines are converted to plines. Multi-section plines are disaggregated (MI =>6.50 or the user must do it himself. Nodes are added to plines when none existed at crossings. Plines going through an intersection can be splt.

Output can include a modified plines table and an intersection markers table. Each marker receives as attributes the names of every pline going through it or ending at it

More details in the PLine_Intersect.TXT file located in the zip file.

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AllClock makes sure that all the regions in a table are drawn clockwise. For a polygon, clockwise means that the direction of drawing of its border is such that the inside of the polygon is to its right. For a multi polygon regions, all "external" polygons are clockwise, but the "internal" ones (delimiting a hole) are counterclockwise. (See discussion on the subject in the MI_Enviro section, under Lines | Outlining regions with offset styles)

AllClock respects the original region topology of multi polygon regions. The output is a copy of the original table with "_clk" appended to its name.

The program uses offset styles as defined in the MAPINFOW_OFF.PEN available in the P. Blanc's articles in the same section as mentioned above to display (optionnaly) the results.

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Draws rectangular regions during heads-up digitizing.

3 points are input using the MapBasic tool: one corner (precise in x,y), one giving the direction of one adjacent side (precise in angle) and the third the opposite corner (precise in x,y). The program calculates the exact coordinates from the other corners. The rectangular region is added to the editable layer with the current region style. Saving is left at the user's discretion.

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Transfers (adds or updates).objects from one table "objects" to another table "names" on the basis on a common identifier "Name".

Various options on how to treat multiple occurences (of names, of objects corresponding to a name) and to report multiple occurences and names without objetc.

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Allows editing of the coordinates of a polyline or region node selected by the user. It works with multiple sections/polygons objects. It modifies the coordinates of the nodes of all the plines/regions found where MB tool cursor was clicked.

Coordinates must be expressed in the table coordsys units.

Compiled for MI version 4.5

Installed in the TOOLS menu. To use it, select the MB tool button. The MB tool can be enabled/disabled from the menu.

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Toggles between "Move Duplicate Nodes ON/OFF" if frontwindow() is a mapper. Function has been integrated in WinMastr.MBX

Compiled for MI version 5.5

Simple 3 button toolpad.

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Universal Style Converter

USC changes style of objects specified by type class (points, linear objects, closed objects and texts). The user chooses a new style (current style or a different one) applicable to all the objects of the set class in the selection or in the selected table.

Note that changing the font will not modify text height.

The menu created when USC is launched is located in the OPTIONS menu.

Compiled for MI version 4.0

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Permet d'insérer dans une mise-en-page un texte dépassant les 255 caractères en en spécifiant la police. Toutes les explications dans le fichier txt placé dans le ZIP.

Aucun menu, aucun bouton..

Compilé pour la version 4.0 de MI 

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This function sets frontwindow() to the fit the available space of the MI window without tiggering its scroll bars.

Fonction pour agrandir la fenêtre active à la taille de l'espace utilisable de la fenêtre MI sans avoir ses barres de déroulement.

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1/-registers the style of the selected object; then, 
2/-the style can be used to redefine the «current style», or 
3/-applied to all the objects part of a selection and corresponding to the type of the original one, or 
4/-used to select all the objects of the table with the same type and that style.

1/-enregistre le style de l'objet sélectionné; ensuite, 
2/-le style peut servir à redéfinir le «style courant», ou 
3/-être appliqué à tous les objets faisant partie d'une sélection et correspondant au type de l'objet original, ou 
4/-utilisé pour sélectionner tous les objets d'une table avec le même type et de ce style.

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Strings2Stripes converts lines and polylines found in table into rectangles and "stripes" with a width unique or varying according to values read from a column. Corners at bends can be blunt, rounded or sharp. "Rounded" stripes look like MI buffers (radius=1/2 width) with ends squared and flush with endpoints.

It can also deal with "continuous" segment sets (like those produced by Lorne Ketch's "TrackLines.mbx"). For each set, it creates a stripe of varying width (values for each segment read from a column).

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De Traits à Bandes


Strings2Stripes convertit les lignes et polylignes contenues dans une table MI en rectangles ou rubans de largeur constante ou variable selon le contenu d'une colonne de la table.

Il peut aussi traiter des ensembles de segments continus (comme ceux produits par "TrackLines.mbx" de Lorne Ketch). Pour chaque ensemble, il produit un ruban de largeur variable (selon la valeur pour chaque segment contenue dans une colonne de la table).

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Tries to assign the contents (text) of text objects to nearby or envelopping objects. This experimental tool can certainly be improved.

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This "stand-alone" MBX converts all kinds of date formats to a standard DD/MM/YYYY. Separator must be specified; 3 date structures are available (DMY, MDY and YMD). 2 or 1 char. year is converted to 19xx if >current year , to 20xx if <=.

Intended mainly to test the conversion functions and uncover bugs, improvements and new variations before I make the functions freely available.

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AddObjectsWith ID

To add objects (point, line, polyline, polygon) with an automatically assigned ID to an open table.
The table must contain an INTEGER, SMALINT or CHAR column for the IDs. The type is defined by the user. An alpha identifier alpha is composed of 2 parts: one fixed is treated as a string, the other variable as a number.
The numeric IDs are automatically assigned values increasing by 1 and starting with a value > to the maximum of existing IDs, value accepted as such or modified by user, or starting from the numeric part of the last record (alpha ID) the user having no choice in the matter.
Allows also assigning IDs to objects without any


Full documentation in English in the zip file.

Permet de rajouter des objets (point, ligne, pligne, polygone) avec des ID attribués automatiquement dans une table ouverte.
La table doit contenir une colonne INTEGER, SMALLINT ou CHAR pour les ID. Le type est fixé par l'utilisateur. Un identificateur alpha est composé de deux parties: une partie fixe traitée comme des lettres, une variable prise comme un nombre.
Les ID sont attribués automatiquement augmentant de 1 à partir d'une valeur > au maximum des ID existant, (ID numériques) et cette valeur est acceptée ou modifiée par l'utilisateur ou à partir de la portion numérique du dernier enregistrement (ID alpha) l'utilisateur n'ayant alors aucun choix.
Permet aussi d'attribuer des ID aux objets n'en ayant pas.


Documentation complète en français dans le fichier zip.


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A column contains alphanumeric identifiers composed of letters followed by digits. This application introduces zeroes between the letters and the digits parts to get a word of a constant width.
That new width should be = at least at the sum of the maximum widths of both parts."
If the original identifier is longer than the specified width, the result will be a word of that width made of ***** .
If the original identifier does not contain any digits, the result will be the letters part followed by #### .
If the original identifier is empty, the new one will be filled of #.

Une colonne contient des identificateurs alphamériques composés de lettres suivies de chiffres. Cette application introduit des zéros entre la partie lettres et la partie chiffres pour obtenir un mot de largeur constante.
Cette nouvelle largeur devrait être au moins = à la somme des longueurs maximum des deux parties.
Si l'identificateur original est plus long que la largeur spécifiée, le résultat sera un mot de cette largeur fait de ***** .
Si l'identificateur original ne contient pas de chiffres, le résultat sera la partie lettres complétée de #### .
Si l'identificateur original est vide, tout le nouveau sera fait de #####.


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