Compiled for version: 4.00 MBX version and date: 1.1 - 26.02.01 Licensing status: freeware
Author: J.Paris Translator: J.Paris    
One line description:
Produces a report of statistics on a given column (more details than with MI, recyclable)
Expanded description:
MB_Stats provides descriptive statistics on any numeric column of an open table (number of cases, sum of x, sum of x^2, variance, standard deviation, minimum, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, maximum ). The user can chose one or several columns and specify one missing value applicable to all those columns. The results are written to a text file and can be recycled in other programs (Excel for one).
ZIP contents:
MB_Stats.mbx       the MapBasic application
MB_Stats.ini         the language strings file
MB_Stats_Users_Guide.txt a short guide to MB_Stats
MB_Stats.txt         info
Hints on use:
Access via menu item in the Tools menu (MI=>4.5) or in the main benu bar otherwise. Icon added to the tools buttonpad.

The ini file is not necessary when running the application a first time; if it is not present, it will be automatically generated in English only. But if you want to use another of the available languages, this file must be installed in the same directory as the application.
ZIP resides on:     J.Paris's site


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