Available MLC compliant applications

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File name Program Description App.Ver. - .INI Date Languages in .INI
BLANKSOUT.zip Suppress all blanks from a char column of an open table 1.0 - 22.07.05
BROWFONT.zip Change Browser Font 1.0 - 23.02.01
CLEARQUE.zip Closes all existing queries 1.5 - 08.10.00
CONNECTTHEDOTS_MLC.zip Draws a polyline/polygon on a set of points 1.0 - 28.09.01
DISPERSE_CENTRO.zip Creates tables with centroids dispersed in various positions along a circle 
around the original centroids
1.0 - 27.03.03
EXPLOLIN.zip Explodes plines made of several segments into single segment plines 1.5 - 30.07.00
EXPLOREG.zip Explodes regions made of several polygons into single polygone regions 1.5 - 30.07.00
FIXSHADE.zip Transforms a thematic in a "permanently coloured" table 0.96 - 12.11.00
FUSBYCOL.zip Fuse objects with identical values in a given column 1.1 - 24.10.00
FUSELINE.zip Fuses successive plines in one while respecting some conditions 1.2 - 28.02.01
HATCH.zip Places symbols or tick marks along polylines or hatches a region with evenly spaced lines 0.0 - 25.05.01
LAST_ROWID.zip Displays in the message window the RowId of the last selected object 1.0 - 20-09-01
LAYSCALE.zip Creates a scalebar in a Layout 3.01 - 05.01
MB_STATS.zip Produces a report of statistics on a given column (more details than with MI, recyclable) 1.1 - 26.02.01
MBW_PLUS.zip Adds new functionalities to the MapBasic window 1.0 - 10.12.00
MLCINITR.zip Helps in managing "languages" in the mlc-INI files 1.5 - 15.10.00
PADMASTR.zip Registers and restores positions of button pads 0.1 - 00.05.01
PADMASTR_STUP.zip Add-on to PadMastr for execution at startup  0.0 - 00.05.01
PICKLANG.zip Detects language used by MI and registers it if not in file 1.0 - 15.10.00
PNT2RECT.zip Creates rectangles centered on points with dimensions and orientation read from tabular data 1.0 - 31.12.02
PREFER.zip Creates a buttonpad accessing directly subsets of Preferences 1.5 - 30.07.00
REVRDIRC.zip Changes a (poly)line direction with a special tool. 0.0 - 07.00
SELECTALL.zip Selects all records from any layer in a mapper 1.0 - 31.12.02
VERMBX.zip To read and change the version stamp of any MBX 1.0 - 08.00
WINMASTR.zip Manages the setup of system windows and other windows parameters 1.0 - 08.00
WINMASTR_STUP.zip Add-on to WinMastr for execution at startup 0.0 - 25.05.01
WINNAVIG.zip Navigates through Mapper and Browser windows 1.0 - 13.10.00
ZOOMLAYR.zip Sets automatic zoom layering of images OFF 1.0 - 01.12.00