Compiled for version: 3.00 MBX version and date: 1.6 - 18.07.00 Licensing status: freeware
Author: Jacques Paris Translator: J.Paris    
One line description:
Explodes multi-polygon regions in single-polygon ones
Expanded description:
Explodes all the multi-polygon regions contained in a table open as a mapper, packed and not-seamless, into single-polygon regions. Values of original are passed to "fragments" without proportinate assignation.
ZIP contents:
EXPLOREG.MBX     the MapBasic application
EXPLOREG.INI     the "language" strings
MNI_TR_EN.RTF     How to add a language
MNI_TR_FR.RTF     Comment ajouter une langue
EXPLOREG.TXT      this file
Hints on use:
Installed in the TOOLS menu (MI=>4.5) or the main menu bar (MI<4.5)
ZIP resides on:     The J.Paris site


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