Compiled for version: 4.00 MBX version and date: - 14.09.00 Licensing status: freeware
Author: Jacques Paris Translators: J.Paris, M. Elfström,
C. Montalvillo
One line description:
Direct icon access to Preference items
Expanded description:
Creates a buttonpad with icons giving direct access to Preference items. Takes MI version into account in displaying accessible items.
ZIP contents:
PREFER.MBXthe MapBasic application
PRFER.INI The "language" strings
MNI_TR_EN.RTF How to add a language
MNI_TR_FR.RTF Comment ajouter une langue
PREFER.TXT This file
Hints on use:
Installed in the TOOLS menu (MI=>4.5) or in the main menu bar (MI<4.5); buttonpad can be docked (options item menu). Load it, adjust options if necessary; the icons are accessible at any time.
ZIP resides on:     the J.Paris site


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