Compiled for version: 4.00 MBX version and date: 1.0  20/11/2002 Licensing status: freeware
Author: J.Paris Translator: J.Paris    
One line description:
gives to all the lines in a selection or in a table a fixed length
Expanded description:
New length is measured from one of its extremities or centered on the centroïd. The angle with horizontal, the direction and the line style of the original objects are respected. Modified objects are placed back into the original table when input is a selection, in a copy of the original named by the user when input is a table. Tabular data is preserved. Distance units are meters, the 'projection' is that of the base table. This application does not accept spherical coordinates.
ZIP contents:
SetLineLength.mbx    the MapBasic application, compiled for version 4.0
SetLineLength.ini       the strings in different languages 
SetLineLength.txt       this file
Hints on use:
Installed in the TOOLS menu (MI=>4.5) or the main menu bar (MI<4.5). Most options/commands available from a toolbar.
SetLineLength.ini must be placed in the same directory as the .MBX. If it does not exist, the application will generate one for French only.
ZIP resides on:     J.Paris's site
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