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State Of The Map 2024

#1 Thu 10 July 2003 17:29

Georges Bertrandb

Referentiel adresses Angleterre et Pays de Galles

Re Bonjour

L'Angleterre et le Pays de Galles (mais pas l'Ecosse ni l'Irlande du Nord...) ont mis en place
quelque chose qui ressemble fort a un referentiel adresses. Voir le communique ci-apres.


Georges Bertrand

NLPG ( National Land & Property Gazetteer) is ...the main source for definitive national
addresses for England and Wales . It is built to British Standard, BS7666. With an address,
co-ordinate and unique property reference number (UPRN) assigned to every item in the
gazetteer it enables any address-based, map-based or other location based dataset to be
matched to it and provides a national framework for information exchange.
The gazetteer is being maintained by over 230 authorities through their LLPG's (Local Land &
Property Gazetteers) while the VOA are complimenting this bottom up maintenance process by
providing updates from the Council Tax and Non-domestic Ratings lists. These are available
to the NLPG at monthly and daily intervals respectively.
A major development for the NLPG has been the agreement of the XML Schema meaning that
data matched to the master list of addresses, with UPRNs, can be transferred between
applications and organisations using XML. The schema has been adopted for the
e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) for use across government.
Michael Nicholson, Managing Director of Intelligent Addressing, the national custodians of the
NLPG commented, Within local authorities real service improvements delivered through
applications linked to their LLPGs are debunking the myth that this e-Government initiative
doesn't have a lifespan beyond 2005. The NLPG is now being utilised to underpin Call
Centres, dramatically improve planning and research, enhance standardisation of addressing
information, and many other initiatives at the local level. GeoSolutions 2003 and the AGI
Conference give us another platform to be able to present some of the initiatives, and discuss
the implementation of the initiatives with those directly involved.
Local Government initiatives where the NLPG is - or is planned to be - utilised are LASER, the
Local Authority Secure Electoral Register, NLIS (National Land Information Service), and Value
Bill, with the Valuation Office Agency.
Select Emergency Services teams and areas of central government are now currently working
to ensure their systems are compliant with the NLPG.
For instance the DfES (Department for Education and Skills) are committed to using the NLPG
as a definitive address dataset and linking mechanism. By linking data they will be able to
achieve a heightened level of knowledge management, modelling and planning: the impact of
new building developments on school populations within certain catchment areas and
definitive address validations with geo-coded references being examples.
So the NLPG has been created robustly, has been approved by industry experts, lays a solid
BS7666 foundation for further applications to utilise, is undergoing continuous improvements
and is providing enhanced service delivery across government.


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