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#1 Tue 25 April 2006 09:38

GeoRezo forever
Lieu: France
Date d'inscription: 31 Aug 2005
Messages: 13614
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Un geocodeur open source


Vu sur DirectionsMag (article en date du 24 Avril)

SRC offre les bibliothèques de son geocodeur Explorer à la communauté Open Source.

Commentaires de l'éditeur Directionsmag sur cet évènement : … &trv=1

SRC Open Sources the Industry's First Data and Country Independent Geocoding Technology

ORANGE, Calif., April 24, 2006 - SRC, a leading developer of geographic business intelligence software, announced today the release of its Explorer geocoder technology to the open source community. SRC's Explorer is the industry's first open sourced geocoder that is data and country independent, enabling developers to integrate digital address databases in any country to support geocoding processes. By open sourcing Explorer, SRC continues to further the expectation from business leaders that business intelligence tools will provide their organizations with immediate, revenue generating opportunities via a content neutral environment.

A database process that assigns latitude and longitude coordinates to any geographic address or intersection; SRC's Explorer combines its geocoding library with free US Census Bureau's TIGER address coding guide. TIGER data, compiled of street names, address ranges and intersections coordinates, joined together with Explorer enables companies to immediately accomplish business development and customer services goals such as:

- Enhance Website Functionality for Customers - find the nearest store locations to their home, office, etc.

- Locate Customer's with Greater Efficiency - i.e. E911 pinpoints a cell phone customer by the geographic location of the cell phone/nearest cell phone tower

- Generate Intelligence on Customers - i.e. insurance companies can identify the flood risk associated with a customer based on their home's location

- Pair Customer Data with TIGER - generate geographic representations of customer locations for uses such as increasing the intelligence/effectiveness behind marketing campaigns, etc.

"Not all businesses have the resources to implement this type of technology, by open sourcing SRC's Explorer, we are giving business application developers the power to build individual applications for any country without the expense and delay of licensing proprietary software," said Dean Stoecker, president and CEO of SRC. "With Explorer, users will now have the ability to realize the value of incorporating geocoding technology to literally any business, exponentially decreasing development time to market and helping advance the overall business intelligence community with richer, more comprehensive technology that is bred only by open sourcing."


The open source of the Explorer geocoder C++ library is available under an LGPL license. The geocoder is available to download from SRC's Website at:

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