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#1 Tue 29 August 2006 15:39

Lieu: Montpellier
Date d'inscription: 5 Sep 2005
Messages: 5331

Paramètres RasterStyle

A toutes fins utiles (je crois n'avoir jamais commis de post sur ce sujet...sinon 1000 excuses), voici ce que j'ai pû savoir des paramètres RasterStyle pouvant figurer dans un TAB raster:

RasterStyle 1 12    'luminosité 12% / 50 par défaut
RasterStyle 2 68    'contraste 68% / 50 par défaut
RasterStyle 3 1        'niveaux de gris activé / 0= couleur d'origine, par défaut
RasterStyle 4 1        'transparence activée / 0= transparence inactive, par défaut
RasterStyle 6 1        'le raster est vu comme grid / 0 le raster est vu comme image, par défaut
RasterStyle 7 16777215    'transparence de la couleur 16777215 (si RasterStyle 4 est à 1)
RasterStyle 8 155    'translucidité 39% = 100 - ((155/255) * 100)

nb: les fichiers GRD peuvent être traités comme des grilles ou des images rasters.
Si le fichier .tab associé contient le paramètre RasterStyle 6, MapInfo traitera cette table comme une grille.

ps: ça n'est dans aucune doc. MapInfo que j'ai trouvé ces informations sad

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#2 Tue 29 August 2006 16:11

GeoRezo forever
Lieu: France
Date d'inscription: 31 Aug 2005
Messages: 13614
Site web

Re: Paramètres RasterStyle


Trouvé dans une discussion sur Mapinfo-L, issu du support technique. Serait ce la source de tes infos ?


Cindy Makarowsky, Support Mapinfo a écrit:

Information about RasterStyle tags:

Most of the RasterStyle tags are not required. All of the RasterStyle tags have 2 numbers, the first representing an identifier, the second representing the value. At this time, RasterStyle identifiers are in the range 1-7.

RasterStyle 1 brightness_value - The brightness value can be from 0-100. The default value of 50 will be used if this tag is not present. This brightness value is used to alter the display of the image.

RasterStyle 2 contrast_value - The contrast value can be from 0-100. The default value of 50 will be used if this tag is not present. This contrast value is used to alter the display of the image.

RasterStyle 3 grayscale_value - The grayscale value determines whether the image should be displayed in color or grayscale. The default value is 0. If the grayscale value is 1, the image will be displayed in grayscale rather than in color. A value of 0 turns the grayscale display off.

RasterStyle 4 use_transparent_value - The value determines whether or not to use the transparent color. Which color to use for transparency is determined by another tag, RasterStyle 5 or RasterStyle 7. If the value is 1, transparency is turned on. If the value is 0, transparency is not used. The default value is 0 if this tag is not specified.

RasterStyle 5 transparent_index_value - This tag is old and is being phased out. The newer RasterStyle 7 tag should be used instead. The value represents the color in the palette that should be treated as transparent. There is no default value.

RasterStyle 6 grid_value - This tag determines whether the specified image file is a raster or a grid. The default value is 0. If the value is 1, the file is a grid. If the value is 0, the file is a raster. Normally, if the file is a grid, this is the only specified RasterStyle tag because grids store the display attributes as layer overrides in the workspace. This tag is required for grids.

RasterStyle 7 transparent_color_value - This tag is the new and preferred way to specify the transparent color for an image. There is no default. The value represents the RGB color which should be treated as transparent. The value is stored as BBGGRR.

RasterStyle 8 Translucent_Alpha_value - This tag is used for determining if image or grid uses translucency and what percentage of translucency is applied. The Alpha number can be anything between 0 and 255 (0 being opaque and 255 being transparent). If encountered in a version of MI Pro earlier than 6.5 then this tag is ignored.

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#3 Tue 29 August 2006 16:29

Lieu: Montpellier
Date d'inscription: 5 Sep 2005
Messages: 5331

Re: Paramètres RasterStyle

Salut fine mouche!
Pas seulement. Il y a eu aussi une discussion chez nos collègues
( … asterstyle)
que j'avais oublié (je crois) de retranscrire ici...

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