#1 Wed 23 January 2008 16:06
- Juste Inscrit !
- Date d'inscription: 23 Jan 2008
- Messages: 2
[FME 2007] Conversion TIF en ECW : erreur fatale
J'essaye de convertir des .tif en .ecw avec FME Mais lorsque je lance la transformation, j'ai une erreur fatal le log est le suivant: ( je débute)
Feature Manipulation Engine 2007 (20070813 - Build 4398) FME Desktop Professional Edition (node locked-crc) Warning: The software you are using is for demo purposes only. This is not freeware and cannot be used to process any data for any purposes other than evaluation and demonstration. To purchase, contact sales@safe.com or call 604-501-9985 Evaluation License: 15 days left. Machine host name is: M048S011 Copyright (c) 1994 - 2007 Safe Software Inc. BADNEWS: Class 'GEOTIFF' will be loaded dynamically. (..\..\foundation\framework\engine\instantr.h:235) BADNEWS: No GEOTIFF dataset name was specified (couldn't find a value for `GEOTIFF_DATASET') (.\readrimp.cpp:385) Module `GEOTIFF' API version matches current core version (3.2 20070516) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Feature Type: `GEOTIFF' Attribute(string): `fme_geometry{0}' has value `geotiff_raster' Geometry Type: Unknown (0) =========================================================================== Opened mapping File C:\DOCUME~1\RCICHO~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\fme218.tmp for output Mapping File Generation was SUCCESSFUL Mapping File Generation was SUCCESSFUL. FME Session Duration: 0.4 seconds. END - ProcessID: 936, peak process memory usage: 68536 kB, current process memory usage: 67660 kB. Feature Manipulation Engine 2007 (20070813 - Build 4398) FME Desktop Professional Edition (node locked-crc) Warning: The software you are using is for demo purposes only. This is not freeware and cannot be used to process any data for any purposes other than evaluation and demonstration. To purchase, contact sales@safe.com or call 604-501-9985 Evaluation License: 15 days left. Machine host name is: M048S011 Copyright (c) 1994 - 2007 Safe Software Inc. Mapping File Generation was SUCCESSFUL. Feature Manipulation Engine 2007 (20070813 - Build 4398) FME_HOME is 'C:\Program Files\FME\' FME Desktop Professional Edition (node locked-crc) Warning: The software you are using is for demo purposes only. This is not freeware and cannot be used to process any data for any purposes other than evaluation and demonstration. To purchase, contact sales@safe.com or call 604-501-9985 Evaluation License: 15 days left. Machine host name is: M048S011 START - ProcessID: 3164, peak process memory usage: 68488 kB, current process memory usage: 67676 kB. Shared directories for formats are : C:\Program Files\FME\datasources Shared directories for transformers are : C:\Program Files\FME\transformers FME Configuration: Command line arguments are `C:\Program Files\FME\fme.exe' `C:/DOCUME~1/RCICHO~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/FME_b03288' `--SourceDataset' `C:/Documents and Settings/rcichocki/Bureau/Fleore pr Maxime/Carto Frelinghien/SIG/f5k_121_204_l2e_l_a_gr_v20.tif' `--DestDataset' `C:/Documents and Settings/rcichocki/Bureau/f5k_121_204_l2e_l_a_gr_v20' `LOG_STANDARDOUT' `yes' `FME_USE_RICH_GEOMETRY' `no' FME Configuration: Reader Keyword is `GEOTIFF' FME Configuration: Writer Keyword is `ECW' FME Configuration: Writer Group Definition Keyword is `ECW_DEF' FME Configuration: Reader type is `GEOTIFF' FME Configuration: Writer type is `ECW' FME Configuration: No destination coordinate system set FME Configuration: Geometry Handling Mode is `Classic' FME Configuration: Current working directory is `C:\Documents and Settings\rcichocki\Bureau\Fleore pr Maxime\Carto Frelinghien\SIG' FME Configuration: Temporary directory is `C:\DOCUME~1\RCICHO~1\LOCALS~1\Temp' FME Configuration: FME_HOME is `C:\Program Files\FME\' FME Configuration: FME_BASE is 'no' FME Configuration: FME_MF_DIR is 'C:\DOCUME~1\RCICHO~1\LOCALS~1\Temp/' FME Configuration: FME_MF_NAME is 'FME_b03288' FME Configuration: FME_PRODUCT_NAME is 'FME 2007' System Status: 47200MB of disk space available in the FME temporary directory (C:\DOCUME~1\RCICHO~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\) System Status: 1946MB of virtual memory available Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) FME Configuration: Logging ungrouped output features FME Configuration: Logging uncorrelated input features FME Configuration: Dumping mapping file FME Temporary Directory: C:\DOCUME~1\RCICHO~1\LOCALS~1\Temp mapping file Line 0: `IncludeMappingFilePlaceHolder' mapping file Line 1: `FME_DEBUG' `MAPPING_FILE' `BADNEWS' `FME_STACK_TRACE' `UNGROUPED' `UNCORRELATED' `DUMP_SCHEMA' mapping file Line 2: `GUI' `TITLE' `GEOTIFF' `to' `ECW' `Translation' mapping file Line 3: `READER_TYPE' `GEOTIFF' mapping file Line 4: `WRITER_TYPE' `ECW' mapping file Line 5: `GUI' `CHOICE' `APPLY_GCPS' `No%Yes' `Apply' `GCPs:' mapping file Line 6: `GEOTIFF_APPLY_GCPS' `No' mapping file Line 7: `GUI' `CHOICE' `GCP_INTERPOLATION_METHOD' `NearestNeighbor%Bilinear%Bicubic' `GCP' `Interpolation' `Method:' mapping file Line 8: `GEOTIFF_GCP_INTERPOLATION_METHOD' `NearestNeighbor' mapping file Line 9: `GUI' `FILENAME' `SourceDataset' `GeoTIFF_Files(*.tif;*.tiff)|*.tif;*.tiff|All_Files(*.*)|*.*' `Original' `GeoTIFF' `Dataset:' mapping file Line 10: `GEOTIFF_READER_META_ATTRIBUTES' `fme_dataset' `fme_basename' mapping file Line 11: `GEOTIFF_DATASET' `C:/Documents and Settings/rcichocki/Bureau/Fleore pr Maxime/Carto Frelinghien/SIG/f5k_121_204_l2e_l_a_gr_v20.tif' mapping file Line 12: `GUI' `DIRNAME' `DestDataset' `Destination' `ECW' `Directory:' mapping file Line 13: `ECW_DATASET' `C:/Documents and Settings/rcichocki/Bureau/f5k_121_204_l2e_l_a_gr_v20' mapping file Line 14: `GEOTIFF_DEF' `GEOTIFF' mapping file Line 15: `GEOTIFF' `GEOTIFF' mapping file Line 16: `ECW' `GEOTIFF' mapping file Line 17: `ECW_DEF' `GEOTIFF' `ecw_compression_level' `75' mapping file Line 18: `LOG_STANDARDOUT' `yes' mapping file Line 19: `FME_USE_RICH_GEOMETRY' `no' mapping file Line 20: `FME_HOME' `C:\Program Files\FME\' mapping file Keyword: `WRITER_TYPE' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `GEOTIFF_DATASET' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `GEOTIFF_READER_META_ATTRIBUTES' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `IncludeMappingFilePlaceHolder' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `GEOTIFF_DEF' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `GEOTIFF_GCP_INTERPOLATION_METHOD' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `GEOTIFF_APPLY_GCPS' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `ECW' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `LOG_STANDARDOUT' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `GEOTIFF' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `FME_HOME' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `ECW_DATASET' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `READER_TYPE' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `GUI' occurs 5 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `FME_DEBUG' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `ECW_DEF' occurs 1 time(s) mapping file Keyword: `FME_USE_RICH_GEOMETRY' occurs 1 time(s) FME Configuration: Maximum number of objects in memory set to 10000 per container BADNEWS: Class 'ECW' will be loaded dynamically. (..\..\foundation\framework\engine\instantr.h:235) Module `ECW' API version matches current core version (3.2 20070516) BADNEWS: Class 'GEOTIFF' will be loaded dynamically. (..\..\foundation\framework\engine\instantr.h:235) Module `GEOTIFF' API version matches current core version (3.2 20070516) Using Dynamic Reader $Revision: 33857 $ ( $Date: 2007-02-08 23:17:48 -0800 (Thu, 08 Feb 2007) $ ) with module GEOTIFF to read data from dataset `C:\Documents and Settings\rcichocki\Bureau\Fleore pr Maxime\Carto Frelinghien\SIG\f5k_121_204_l2e_l_a_gr_v20.tif' Using Dynamic Writer $Revision: 26873 $ ( $Date: 2006-03-01 10:08:47 -0800 (Wed, 01 Mar 2006) $ ) with module ECW to write dataset `C:\Documents and Settings\rcichocki\Bureau\f5k_121_204_l2e_l_a_gr_v20' Module `ECW' API version matches current core version (3.2 20070516) Module `ECW' API version matches current core version (3.2 20070516) GEOTIFF reader: Directive '_APPLY_GCPS' has the value 'No' Datum definition unknown does not exist. Ellipsoid definition wkt_auto_1 does not exist. The OGC definition of the FME coordinate system '_FME_0' is 'PROJCS["IMAGINE GeoTIFF Support Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: $ $Date: 2002/01/24 16:43:13Z $ Projection Name = NTF_Lambert_II Units = met",GEOGCS["IMAGINE GeoTIFF Support Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: $ $Date: 2002/01/24 16:43:13Z $ Unable to match Ellipsoid (Datum) to a Geogr",DATUM["unknown",SPHEROID["unnamed",6378249.2,293.4660212936265]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP"],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",45.89891942080001],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",47.69601386380001],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",46.79999994650002],PARAMETER["central_meridian",2.337229166666667],PARAMETER["false_easting",600000],PARAMETER["false_northing",2200000],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]]' FME Configuration: Source coordinate system for reader GEOTIFF[GEOTIFF] set to `_FME_0' as read from input data Coordinate System `_FME_0' parameters: CS_NAME=`_FME_0' DESC_NM=`IMAGINE GeoTIFF Support Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: $ $Date: 2002/01/24 16:43:13Z $ Projection Name = NTF_Lambert_II Units = met' EL_NAME=`wkt_auto_1' ORG_LAT=`46.79999994650002' ORG_LNG=`2.337229166666667' PARM1=`45.89891942080001' PARM2=`47.69601386380001' PROJ=`LM' UNIT=`METER' X_OFF=`600000' Y_OFF=`2200000' Coordinate System `_FME_0' as OGC Well Known Text: PROJCS["IMAGINE GeoTIFF Support Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: $ $Date: 2002/01/24 16:43:13Z $ Projection Name = NTF_Lambert_II Units = met",GEOGCS["unnamed",DATUM["unnamed",SPHEROID["unnamed",6378249.2,293.4660212936265]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP"],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",45.89891942080001],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",47.69601386380001],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",46.79999994650002],PARAMETER["central_meridian",2.337229166666667],PARAMETER["false_easting",600000],PARAMETER["false_northing",2200000],UNIT["METER",1]] FME Configuration: Destination coordinate system set to input coordinate system `_FME_0' ECW writer: Writing to destination dataset 'C:\Documents and Settings\rcichocki\Bureau\f5k_121_204_l2e_l_a_gr_v20\GEOTIFF.ecw' ECW writer: Creating the output file may take several minutes. The log window may become unresponsive during this time. Please wait ... ECW writer: This format cannot support palettes. Consider removing or resolving palettes that are attached to the raster BADNEWS: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details (.\dynawch.cpp:162) A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details (.\simptran.cpp:654) - (.\stftrans.cpp:345) - (.\pipeline.cpp:292) - (.\pipeline.cpp:381) - (.\simptran.cpp:984) - (.\stfchan.cpp:327) - (.\dynawch.cpp:162) FME Session Duration: 1.3 seconds. (CPU: 0.5s user, 0.1s system) END - ProcessID: 3164, peak process memory usage: 68488 kB, current process memory usage: 67708 kB. A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details BADNEWS: An error occurred during the batch file execution, 1 translation failed. The following error message was raised: #2 : A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details (C:/DOCUME~1/RCICHO~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/FME_c03288:1845) An error occurred during the batch file execution, 1 translation failed. The following error message was raised: #2 : A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details Program Terminating Translation FAILED. FME encountered an error. Please contact support@safe.com
quelqu'un peut'il m'aider?
Hors ligne
#2 Thu 24 January 2008 10:42
Re: [FME 2007] Conversion TIF en ECW : erreur fatale
Quel logiciel utilisez vous ? Universal Translator ou Workbench ? Je pense qu'il va vous falloir utiliser workbench.
Je pense que vous partez d'un fichier type scan25 codé en 256 couleurs (palette 8 bits).
Le format ECW travaille en millions de couleurs et ne supporte pas les palettes.
Il faut donc ajouter quelques Transformers pour supprimer les palettes et rendre les deux structures de données compatibles.
Je pense d'ailleurs que pour ce type d'images le passage en ecw n'offre pas de gain de taille.
Hors ligne
#3 Thu 24 January 2008 11:06
- Juste Inscrit !
- Date d'inscription: 23 Jan 2008
- Messages: 2
Re: [FME 2007] Conversion TIF en ECW : erreur fatale
J 'utilise universal translator. Merci Pour cette info mais ce type de logiciel est tout nouveau pour moi. J'ai trouvé aussi er-mapper qui m'apermi de compresser en Ecw mais je perds quand même les références spatiales. Même en mettant les Tfs en Eww.
y a t'il une solution?
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