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#1 Tue 13 April 1999 13:16

Robert Laurini

GIS TeleCom



GIS  Telecom

Lyon, France - May 6-7, 1999

For details, please refer to:

Thursday May 6, 1999

9:00-9:15 Opening Ceremony, R. Laurini, Claude Bernard University of Lyon,
President of TeleGeo'99 Program Committee
9:15-10:00 Graphical Information Portals: the Application of Smart Maps for
Facility Management in GEONET 4D, Gertraud Peinel, Thomas Rose, Research
Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing, Ulm, Germany.

10:00-10:30 Break

10:30-12:00 Architectures for TeleGeoProcessing.

GeoWorlds: A Geographically-based Information System for Situation
Understanding and Management. M. Coutinho, R. Neches, A. Bugacov, KT Yao,
V. Kumar, IY Ko, R. Eleish, University of Southern California, USA.
A CORBA Object-oriented Architecture to Provide Distributed GPS Data to GIS
Applications. P. Muro-Medrano, D. Infante, J. Zarazaga, J. Banares,
University of Zaragoza, Spain.
Software Architecture Based on Cartographical Products. B. de Cambray, C.
Leclerc, JR Houllier, Alcatel, France.

12:0-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 TeleGeoMonitoring Systems for Transportation.
OSIRIS: An Inter-Operable System for the Integration of Real Time Traffic
Data within GIS. P. Valsecchi, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, and C.
Claramunt, E. Peytchev, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
First Specifications of a TeleGeoMonitoring System for the Transportation
of Hazardous Materials. A. Boulmakoul, Hassan II University of Mohammedia,
Morocco, and R. Laurini, S. Servigne, INSA, France.
A Prototype of TeleGeoMonitoring System for Road Safety and Maintenance. TJ
Tanzi, Ecole des Mines de Paris, Sophia Antipolis, France, and R. Laurini,
S. Servigne, INSA, France.

15:30-16:00 Break

16:00-17:30 GIS Interoperability.

Local and Remote GeoProcessing Applications. PP Goncalves, New University
of Lisbon, Portugal.
HORUS: a Semantic Broker for GIS Interoperabilty. E. Leclercq, K.
Yetongnon, University of Burgundy, France.
Making Profit of Software Interoperability in a Web-enabled Water Point
Inventory Distributed System. S. Comella, R. Lopez, R. Bejar, J. Zarazaga,
R. Muro-Medrano, University of Zaragoza, Spain.

Friday May 7, 1999

9:00-10:30 Groupware for Spatial Planning.

Developing a Groupware-Based Prototype to Support Geomatics Production
Management. DJ Coleman, S. Li, University of New Brunswick, Canada.
GIS Design for Video-Conference. DJ Cowen, L. Shirley, J. Jensen,
University of South Carolina, USA.
Argumaps for Spatial Planning. C. Rinner, GMD, Sankt Augustin, Germany.

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00-12:00 TeleGeoMonitoring Systems for Risk Management.

TeleGeoProcessing and Intelligent Software Agents for Natural Hazards
Preventing and Fighting. F. Guarnieri, S. Olampi, JL Wybo, Ecole des Mines
de Paris, Sophia Antipolis, France.
Real-time GIS Application for Environmental Planning and Flooding Risk
Prevention for the State of Parana in Brazil. ML Cortopassi-Lobo,
University of Parana, Brazil, AK Guetter, Simepar, Brazil.

12:0-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Architectures for TeleGeoProcessing.
Remote Access to Active Spatial Data Repositories. O. Balovnev, A.
Bergmann, M. Breunig, S. Shumilov, Department of Computer Science,
University of Bonn, Germany.
GAEA, A Java-based Map Applet. D. Kotzinos, P. Prastacos, Institute of
Applied and Computational Mathematics, Heraclio, Greece.
Thematic Mapping in the Internet: Exploring Census Data with Descartes. G.
Andrienko, N. Andrienko, J. Carter, GMD, Sankt Augustin, Germany.
Mapping the Geography of Cyberspace Using Telecommunications Infrastructure
Information. G. Cai, S. Hirtle, J. Williams, University of Pittsburgh, USA.

15:30-16:00 Break

16:00-17:00 Real Time Field Data Capture.

Wireless Field Data Collection and EO-GIS-GPS Integration. M. Zingler, P.
Fisher, J. Lictenegger, European Space Agency, Frascati, Italy.
FieldNote: a Handheld Information System for the Field. NS Ryan, DR Morse,
J. Pascoe, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, UK.

17:00-17:10 Closing Ceremony, R. Laurini, Claude Bernard University of
Lyon, President of the Program Committee.


Integrating a GIS Application into the Habanero Collaborative Framework E.
Grossman, A. Woss, University of Illinois, USA.
Pure Java-based GIS for an Advanced GeoProcessing over WWW Environment. MS
Kim, KS Kim, K. Lee, JH Lee, Electronics and Telecommunications Research
Institute, South Korea.
Development of Telecom GIS Application Using an Active Object-Oriented GIS
Environment. L. Stoimenov, S. Djordjevic-Kajan, M. Petkovic, D. Stojanic,
University of Nis, Yugoslavia, and A. Mitrovic, D. Mitrovic, University of
Canterbury, New Zealand.
GIS in Forest Fire Fighting, A. Marques, J. Montero, H. Oliviera, R.
Caridade, L. Tavares, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Intelligent Transportation Systems, MA Molina, GMV Sistemas, Valladolid,
Architecture of an Embarked Multimedia and Spatial Information System. A.
Stockus, A. Bouju, F. Bertrand, P. Boursier,
University of La Rochelle, France


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