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#1 Tue 03 March 2015 13:27

Julien Perret
Juste Inscrit !
Date d'inscription: 20 Jul 2008
Messages: 1

SO Data 3 - The 26th of March 2015

*SO Data 3 - The 26th of March 2015*

So Data! is a conference focused on the evolution of scientific practices
impulsed by open science data. Open science data is a requirement for
scientific reproducibility. It generates new research dynamics and promotes
the pooling of scientific achievement all over the world including raw
data, information and knowledge. So Data! invites researchers to share
experiences around the use of open data in diverse scientific fields.

The SO Data conference lays for the first time at the *Complex System
Institute* - 113 , rue Nationale Paris 13. Metros: Nationale(6),

*Register now! the entrance is free and open.*
*Share  your experience: lightning talks
*sessions are still open to calls. (A lightning talk is a small but dynamic
presentation focusing on your activities and inviting to debates all the day long.)

More information at

Julien Perret
Researcher / Chargé de recherche du Ministère de l Écologie, du
Développement durable et de l Énergie (MEDDE)
Laboratoire COGIT, IGN

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#2 Wed 04 March 2015 10:07

Membre du bureau
Lieu: Toulouse
Date d'inscription: 22 Jun 2005
Messages: 11913
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Re: SO Data 3 - The 26th of March 2015


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