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#1 Tue 29 July 2003 12:49

Georges Bertrandb

Guichet unique USA


Le guichet unique d’acces aux donnees geographiques est en place aux Etats-Unis (voir Il a ete mis en place sous l’egide de l’Office du budget (OMB), qui est
lui-meme rattache directement au President. Voir la liste des participants (GOS
partnerships…). Voir aussi la reference aux standards OGC, ISO et FGDC


Georges Bertrand

Texte du communique

The Geospatial One-Stop (GOS) portal provides data that is shareable by anyone, anywhere
(www ; Overseen by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), it is the result
of an e-government initiative to make access to geospatial information from multiple sources
faster and less expensive for all levels of government as well as the public. The site at was launched on June 30, 2003. ESRI built the site in just eight weeks. The
ESRI portal was chosen for the first-phase operational system based on usability and support
factors. Experience ESRI garnered from developing similar international, federal, and state
applications has gone into the design of GOS. Built with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
software and based on open standards, the site is secure and supported 24/7 with fail-over
The portal was designed to be open and interoperable with virtually any GIS data set or service.
In crafting GOS, ESRI paid particular attention to both Web services standards and emerging
GIS standards from OGC, ISO, and the FGDC. More than 15 viewers from a variety of software
companies are supported by the site.
This portal is a gateway to the NSDI and the GIS superhighway, said Jack Dangermond,
ESRI president. Not only does GOS simplify the search for data, it also centralizes access to
services and lets users visualize map services across multiple servers, publish metadata and
services, and learn about geospatial activities, standards, and other related information. This
implementation was carefully designed to support publishing and access to geospatial
knowledge of any type and from any vendor, regardless of format or standard.
The portal's aim is to make finding geospatial data easy and intuitive, said Hank Garie,
executive director for GOS at the United States Department of the Interior. It surpasses the goal
of other initiatives such as FirstGov by providing just two clicks to review content. Data
searches that might have taken weeks can now be accomplished in minutes. According to
Mark Forman, associate director for information technology and e-government at the OMB,
Geospatial data is crucial for government efforts in homeland security, environmental
protection, economic development, and other important policy areas. provides the
tools necessary for greater intergovernmental collaboration and partnership on these key
issues while reducing duplicative spending and wasted resources.
Voir la liste des partenaires sur


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