#1 Tue 07 May 2024 09:15
- Luciana Nolè
- Juste Inscrit !
- Date d'inscription: 6 May 2024
- Messages: 1
QGIS/BioDispersal: problem ?
I have a problem with the last point (7-Dispersal) of the plugin BioDispersal.
It gives me back this error:
[2024-04-30 12:59:02] [debug] system = Windows
[2024-04-30 12:59:02] [info] Calling processing algorithm 'gdal:warpreproject'
[2024-04-30 12:59:02] [info] GDAL command:
[2024-04-30 12:59:02] [info] GDAL command output:
[2024-04-30 12:59:03] [info] Risultati: {'OUTPUT': 'C:\BioDispersal\acque_disp_1000_start.tif'}
[2024-04-30 12:59:03] [info] Call to warpreproject successful, performed in 0.41648387908935547 seconds
[2024-04-30 12:59:03] [debug] path = C:BioDispersalacque_disp_1000_start.tif
[2024-04-30 12:59:03] [debug] pathparts = ('C:\', 'BioDispersal', 'acque_disp_1000_start.tif')
[2024-04-30 12:59:03] [debug] path = C:BioDispersalSubnetworksAcqueAcque_friction.tif
[2024-04-30 12:59:03] [debug] pathparts = ('C:\', 'BioDispersal', 'Subnetworks', 'Acque', 'Acque_friction.tif')
[2024-04-30 12:59:03] [info] Calling processing algorithm 'grass7:r.cost'
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [internal error] ERRORE: Nessun punto di partenza
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [debug] [loadNTab] 7
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [debug] Help file = C:/Users/lucia/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3profilesdefault/python/pluginsBioDispersalhelplogHelp-en.html
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [debug] path = C:UsersluciaAppDataRoamingQGISQGIS3profilesdefaultpythonpluginsBioDispersalhelplogHelp-en.html
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [debug] pathparts = ('C:\', 'Users', 'lucia', 'AppData', 'Roaming', 'QGIS', 'QGIS3', 'profiles', 'default', 'python', 'plugins', 'BioDispersal', 'help', 'logHelp-en.html')
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [internal error] ERRORE: Mappa raster non trovata
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [internal error] ERRORE: Mappa raster o gruppo non trovato
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [info] Risultati: {'output': 'C:\BioDispersal\acque_disp_1000_disp_tmp.tif'}
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [info] Call to r.cost successful, performed in 1.0713551044464111 seconds
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [debug] qgsTypeToInt 6 = 5
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [info] Calling processing algorithm 'gdal:rastercalculator'
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [internal error] Impossibile eseguire l'algoritmo Impossibile caricare il layer sorgente per INPUT_A: C:BioDispersalacque_disp_1000_disp_tmp.tif non trovato
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [warn] Failed to call rastercalculator : Impossibile eseguire l'algoritmo Impossibile caricare il layer sorgente per INPUT_A: C:BioDispersalacque_disp_1000_disp_tmp.tif non trovato
[2024-04-30 12:59:04] [Unexpected error] : Impossibile eseguire l'algoritmo Impossibile caricare il layer sorgente per INPUT_A: C:BioDispersalacque_disp_1000_disp_tmp.tif non trovato
Could you help me?
Thank you.
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