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#1 Wed 21 January 2004 17:42


Export fenetre carte en MapBasic

Depuis la version 7 de MapInfo, il est possible d'exporter une fenetre carte en specifiant la resolution en dpi.
Quelqu'un connaitrait-il le code Mapbasic correspondant a cette option.(la fonction  save window as avec des attributs)

Un grand merci


#2 Wed 21 January 2004 17:42

Christophe Barbier

Re: Export fenetre carte en MapBasic

Voici ce que donne l'aide en ligne MapBasic sur ce sujet:

Save Window window_id
As filespec
Type filetype
[ Width image_width  [ Units paper_units ] ]
[ Height image_height [ Units paper_units ] ]
[ Resolution output_dpi ]
[ Copyright notice  [ Font ... ] ]

window_id is an Integer Window ID representing a Map, Layout, Graph, Legend, Statistics, Info, or Ruler window; to obtain a window ID, call a function such as FrontWindow( ) or WindowID( )
filespec is a String representing the name of the file to create

filetype is a String representing a file format:
BMP specifies Bitmap format;
WMF specifies Windows Metafile format;
JPEG specifies JPEG format;
JP2 specifies JPEG 2000 format
PNG specifies Portable Network Graphics format;
TIFF specifies TIFF format;
PSD specifies Photoshop 3.0 format;
TIFFCMYK specifies TIFF CMYK format
EMF specifies Windows Enhanced Metafile format.

image_width is a number that specifies the desired image width
image_height is a number that specifies the desired image height
paper_units is a string representing a paper unit name (e.g. cm for centimeters)
output_dpi is a number that specifies the output resolution in DPI (dots per inch).
notice is a string that represents a copyright notice; it will appear at the bottom of the image


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