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#1 Wed 02 February 2005 15:26

Jean-Baptiste Henry

Images Landsat gratuites sur l'Afrique du Sud

Lu sur la liste Desole pour les doublons!

Le gouvernement sud africain met a disposition gratuitement des images Landsat de l'Afrique du Sud.
La direction de Surveys and Mapping, of the Department of Land affairs a conclu un accord avec le Centre des applications satellitales (SAC)
de Hartebeesthoek, Afrique du sud pour fournir des images Landsat gratuites a toutes les organisations gouvernementales africaines, aux organismes de recherches et aux organisations non gouvernementales oeuvrant pour des missions d'aide aux pays. Cet accord est valide jusqu'au 31 mars 2005. Seuls les frais de gravure de CD et d'envoi sont a la charge du requerant. Les demandes accompagnees de l'identite de l'organisation requerante doivent etre transmises a
Satellite Application Centre, PO Box 395, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa,

Pour en savoir plus … a_v4n2.pdf

Le texte complet du message transmis par un collegue en anglais

The information below could be of particular interest to you.
Here's the link if you want to read more: … a_v4n2.pdf
I would strongly recommend that you subscribe to the GSDI newsletter at

Feel free to share the information with any other potential person who might be interested.

With warm regards

South African government makes available free Landsat imagery for Southern Africa [repeat announcement, first included in SDI-Africa Vol 3, No. 9 - September 2004]
The Chief Directorate of Surveys and Mapping, of the Department of Land affairs, South Africa has entered into an agreement with the Satellite Application Centre (SAC) at Hartebeesthoek, South Africa, to provide Landsat imagery free of charge to all African Government organizations, academia, non-commercial researchers and NGO’s working in the development field in the region. The imagery is available for the reception footprint area of the SAC Landsat antenna. Imagery will be available in terms of this agreement until 31 March 2005. Requesters will only have to pay for the CD and postage and packaging costs. Requests for imagery must be submitted, together with proof of their organization, to Satellite Application Centre, PO Box 395, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa, The Chief Directorate of Surveys and Mapping, of the Department of Land Affairs, as the national mapping organization of South Africa hopes that African countries will use this imagery extens!
ively in support of their sustainable development programmes, including national mapping.


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