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#1 Wed 30 June 2004 13:17

Joseph Gregoire

Offre de Mission de la Banque Mondiale

En derniere minute - A Evaluer aujourd'hui :
Offre de Mission de la Banque Mondiale
Deadline for applying 1 July 2004

The World Bank Web Team is looking to hire a GIS Project Lead for the next six months to help kickstart their GIS Program.

Specific Deliverables
There are five broad deliverables: a) identify three GIS pilot projects relating to the Bank's operational work and to facilitate their implementation, b) manage the launch of the GIS Prototype and the next phase of requirements, c) revitalize the GIS Thematic Group, d) coordinate the development and launch of the Maps & GIS website on the intranet and external web, and e) work with DEC Data & Research, GSD Cartography, and other departments to better identify how GIS can facilitate their work.

To Apply
Please send your resume plus a cover letter to Katie Bannon ( by July 1, 2004. Candidates may be hired individually as short term contractors or through a vendor (preferably a Bank pre-approved vendor). Interested Bank staff are also eligible.

Info complementaire aupres de l'AFIGeO :

(desole pour les delais, j'ai recu cette info ce matin)


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