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#1 Wed 25 October 2006 17:45

GeoRezo forever
Lieu: France
Date d'inscription: 31 Aug 2005
Messages: 13614
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[Info] Des seminaires pour mieux cartographier (UK)


Une info Outre-Manche pour changer wink

Extrait de la newletter de l'AGI (Association for Geographic Information) :

British Cartographic Society launches 'Better Mapping' seminars
Release date: 23 Oct 2006

The British Cartographic Society has announced a series of free educational seminars in support of its Better Mapping 2006 campaign. The one day seminars, which are taking place throughout England, Scotland and Wales over the forthcoming weeks, will explore the concepts and value of good map design and give delegates practical guidance on how to make great maps using a geographical information system. The British Cartographic Society, a UK based charity, aims to promote good practice throughout the UK geospatial industry and these seminars will explore the fundamental aspects of map making and how simple tools and techniques can be used to improve the quality of the cartographic output.

Traduction résumée :  La British Cartographic Society a annoncé une série de séminaires éducatifs gratuits dans le cadre de sa Campagne 2006 pour une Meilleure Cartographie. Exploration des concepts qui gouvernent la conception de cartes notamment au sein des SIG.

Plus de détails sur ces séminaires ici : … ter_1.html

Dernière modification par Robin (Wed 25 October 2006 18:03)

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