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#1 Wed 07 February 2007 17:59

Participant assidu
Date d'inscription: 6 Sep 2005
Messages: 698

[ArcView 3.x] Envoyer un mail en avenue


je cherche à envoyer, depuis avenue, un mail contenant du texte et une pièce jointe. Le support esri mentionne deux possibilités:

Utiliser un programme externe

GBMailer (from is a small free stand-alone mailing program which you can use to mail a textfile.

GBMailer is command-line mailer wich will send an text file as mail.
It is written to be executed from CGI-scripts, but it can be ussed for
any other purpose.

See history.txt for changes in this revision.

NOTE: Be sure to read Bugs section (section 2.) of this readme file
before mailing bug reports or questions about using GBMailer


gbmail [-v] -to <address list...> [-file <filename>] [-h <>]
[-p <port_number>] [-from <address>] [-cc <address list...>]
[-bcc <address list>] [-s <Subject>] [-t <timeout>]


-v verbose output.

-file Name of text file to send as message body.
(This is not required since version 1.12)

-h Name of SMTP server to connect. If this option is not set
GBMailer will assume 'localhost'.

-p Port number for SMTP protocol. Port is set to 25 by default.

-from An optional e-mail ddress of sender. If not set GBMailer
will try to assume an e-mail address by combinating name of
current user and name of local machine.
You should set this option in most cases.

-to REQUIRED E-mail addres (or addresses) of recipient(s).
At least one address must cast after -to switch.

-cc (carbon copy) E-mail addresses of recipients which will be listed
in Cc: field.

-bcc (blind carbon copy) E-mail addresses of recipients which you don't
want to be listed in message which will be sent.

-s Subject of message.

-t Timeout for socket operations (in seconds). Set to 300 secs by
il n'y a apparemment pas de gestion des pièces jointes....

2) utiliser une dll

-> la solution 2 me satisfaisant moyennement, quelqu'un connaitrait il un équivalent à GBMailer gérant les pièces jointes ?


Hors ligne


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