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#1 Mon 04 August 2008 12:39

Jean marie
Participant assidu
Lieu: Moissy Cramayel
Date d'inscription: 15 Feb 2007
Messages: 309
Site web

[MapGuide Enterprise 2008 et Fusion] comment installer fusion sur MGE

bonjour à vous

pour éviter de doubler les serveurs et ne pas casser mon serveur mapguide 2008 avec mes applications GEOMAP, je m'interroge si il est possible d'installer fusion sur un serveur MGE 2008
. Si oui comment ?
j'ai trouvé des informations mais pas de précision ...ou trés sommaire sur ma question .. …

Installing MapGuide Fusion
NOTE: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you install MapGuide Fusion inside the WebServerExtensions/www directory of your MGOS/E installation.

NOTE: MapGuide Fusion must be installed on the same server as your MGOS/E Web Server Extensions because it uses the API included with the Web Server Extensions.

To install Fusion, extract the MapGuide Fusion source code from the distribution package that you chose (either a tar.gz or a zip file). By default, MapGuide Fusion is configured to be installed into the 'www' directory of your WebServerExtensions installation. You may install MapGuide Fusion into a different location, as long as you follow the Configuring MapGuide Fusion steps below, and you really, really know what you are doing. Seriously. If you don't have a good reason for installing to a different location, don't do it.

Configuring MapGuide Fusion
If you installed MapGuide Fusion into the WebServerExtensions/www directory, and your WebServerExtensions is installed in C:\Program Files, Fusion is ready to go.

If the Web Server Extensions are installed elsewhere, you must now change the default values in the following file:

At the beginning of this file (after the first comment block) are two lines as follows:

$defaultInstallDir = "C:/Program Files/MapGuideOpenSource/";
$defaultExtensionDir = $installDir . "WebServerExtensions/www/";
Modify these lines to point to your actual installation path.

If Fusion is not installed inside the WebServerExtensions/www directory, you must configure your web server to provide web access to MapGuide Fusion.

Doing this is dependent on the actual web server you have installed. As a minimum, you will need to set up an alias (Apache) or virtual directory (IIS) to the fusion directory and configure it to allow execution of PHP scripts inside fusion and make the PHP API extensions of MapGuide available as well.

If you do not know how to configure your web server to do this, please move the fusion directory to the WebServerExtensions/www directory.

notez le "NOTE: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you install MapGuide Fusion inside the WebServerExtensions/www directory of your MGOS/E installation.

NOTE: MapGuide Fusion must be installed on the same server as your MGOS/E Web Server Extensions because it uses the API included with the Web Server Extensions"

Mapguide enterprise 2008 ?

cordialement Jean-Marie

Dernière modification par Jean marie (Mon 04 August 2008 12:40)

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#2 Mon 04 August 2008 14:08

Gwenael Bachelot
Participant assidu
Lieu: Bureau Autodesk : Paris 12ème
Date d'inscription: 5 Sep 2005
Messages: 608
Site web

Re: [MapGuide Enterprise 2008 et Fusion] comment installer fusion sur MGE

Bonjour Jean Marie,
Et pourquoi ne pas installer AMGE 2009 et AMGE 2008 sur le même serveur ?
Je pense que ca devrait fonctionner (à vérifier...).
Tu pourrais faire une maquette sur une machine de test avant...


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#3 Mon 04 August 2008 14:42

Jean marie
Participant assidu
Lieu: Moissy Cramayel
Date d'inscription: 15 Feb 2007
Messages: 309
Site web

Re: [MapGuide Enterprise 2008 et Fusion] comment installer fusion sur MGE

merci Gwenael et bonjour

j'ai testé cette configuration avec un AMGE 2008 et un MGOS 2.00 ça marche pour moi
mais d'administrateur pense que c'est une solution provisoire ...  wink pas moi ...
donc je cherche d'autre piste pour

voir le lien suivant .....

cordialement Jean-marie

Dernière modification par Jean marie (Mon 04 August 2008 14:42)

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