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#1 Fri 23 October 2009 11:51

Participant actif
Date d'inscription: 2 Feb 2008
Messages: 97

Analyse thématique Mapbasic

Je joins une table avec des champs Type

Je voudrais faire une analyse thématique en mapBasic
de la façon suivante:

champ type "120"  avec la polyligne numero 120
champ type "121"  avec la polyligne numero 121
actuellement je met ça


shade window  Projet_connexe 1 with Type values "1000" Brush (37,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,2,8421504) Symbol (33,16777215,12) ,"105" Line (22,105,16711680) ,"107" Line (22,107,65280) ,"108" Line (22,108,0) ,"109" Line (2,109,0) ,"110" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,110,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"112" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,112,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"114" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,114,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"115" Brush (2,32768,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,115,32768) Symbol (34,32768,12) ,"116" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,116,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"117" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,117,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"118" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (22,118,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"119" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,119,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"120" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,120,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"121" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (3,121,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"122" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (3,122,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"124" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,124,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"125" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,125,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"126" Brush (2,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (2,126,0) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"2000" Brush (38,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,2,12632256) Symbol (36,16777215,12) ,"3000" Brush (39,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,2,0) Symbol (37,16777215,12) ,"4000" Brush (40,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,2,4210752) Symbol (35,16777215,12) ,"5000" Brush (41,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,2,8421504) Symbol (32,0,12) ,"6000" Brush (42,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,2,12632256) Symbol (34,0,12) ,"7000" Brush (43,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,2,0) Symbol (33,0,12) ,"8000" Brush (44,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,2,4210752) Symbol (36,0,12) ,"A" Brush (2,8405056,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,1,8405056) Symbol (34,8405056,12) ,"B" Brush (2,4227136,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,1,4227136) Symbol (34,4227136,12) ,"C" Brush (2,4210816,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,1,4210816) Symbol (34,4210816,12) ,"D" Brush (2,8405120,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,1,8405120) Symbol (34,8405120,12) ,"E" Brush (2,8421440,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,1,8421440) Symbol (34,8421440,12) ,"F" Brush (2,4227200,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,1,4227200) Symbol (34,4227200,12) ,"G" Brush (2,16761024,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,1,16761024) Symbol (34,16761024,12) ,"X" Brush (2,12648384,16777215) Pen (1,2,0) Line (1,1,12648384) Symbol (34,12648384,12) default Line (1,2,0)

mais j ai le message suivant :"impossible de convertir les données

Dernière modification par fredericfridi (Fri 23 October 2009 12:16)

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Pour accéder aux fichiers vous devez vous inscrire.

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#2 Fri 23 October 2009 14:48

Participant occasionnel
Lieu: Toulouse
Date d'inscription: 6 Feb 2008
Messages: 30

Re: Analyse thématique Mapbasic


il faut juste que tu enlèves "window" et le "1". La syntaxe est donc:

shade projet_connexe with type values etc....

bonne journée


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#3 Sat 03 November 2012 02:40

Juste Inscrit !
Date d'inscription: 25 Sep 2012
Messages: 5

Re: Analyse thématique Mapbasic

sub proc_analyse_thematique
dim j as smallint
DIM ajouter_site AS STRING
Open Table "C:\Users\Rebaii\Desktop\Hwy_tun.TAB" Interactive
if ajouter_site then
Map From Hwy_tun
shade window j 1 with COUVERTURE graduated 0.0:0 3:36 Symbol (113,0,36,"MapInfo Transportation",0,0) vary size by "SQRT" 
set legend window j layer prev display on shades off symbols on lines off count off title auto Font ("Arial",0,9,0) subtitle auto Font ("Arial",0,8,0) ascending off ranges Font ("Arial",0,8,0) auto display off ,auto display off ,auto display off ,auto display off ,auto display on ,auto display on ,auto display on 
Create Cartographic Legend From Window j Behind Frame From Layer 1
end if
end sub
svp,j'arrive a compiler mais a l'execution il refuse mon code,est ce que c a cause de la variable j?
a chaque fois un nouveau message d'erreur,pour commencer il ne connait pas include et ...
svp vous avez une petite idée?merci d'avance

Dernière modification par mehdimp3 (Sat 03 November 2012 02:43)

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