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#1 Wed 29 May 2013 14:23

GeoRezo forever
Lieu: France
Date d'inscription: 31 Aug 2005
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Un client WPS pour Arcmap

Un article du blog de 52°North évoquant la publication d'un client WPS* pour Arcmap (an anglais)
Le code source + les fichiers sont dispos dans les liens en bas de l'article.


Sensor Web, Geoprocessing, Security & GeoRM, Geostatistics, Semantics, 3D, Ilwis, Earth Observation

Introducing the new ArcMap WPS Client(s)

May 29th, 2013 @ 11:29 by BenjaminPross
Posted in Communities, Geoprocessing

A Web Processing Service is little without a client. We have developed various clients ourselves in the past, but most of the projects have been discontinued. We developed a prototypical WPS client for ArcMap, however this was never deemed ready to be released. Another open source client we came across is the Quantum GIS WPS client. It works with several WPS implementations and also supports data streaming (see this post). Last year the Ordnance Survey of the U.K. approached us. They use WPS for web-based generalization of vector data. On the client side they use a plugin for OpenJUMP. They then wanted to make the Web Gen WPS accessible from additional GIS platforms and chose ArcGIS as the next target platform. Our mission was to mature our existing prototypical ArcMap WPS client and enable it to work with the WebGen WPS. The existing OpenJUMP client for WebGen WPS is limited to WebGen WPS. It is common that WPS clients can only connect to specific WPS instances, due to the openness of the WPS standard regarding input and output data types. There is practically no limit to what a complex input/output can be. Therefore, a client that needs to handle these inputs and outputs can not support all possible data types. The idea for an Extensible WPS ArcMap client was born.

Lire la suite

*WPS : A WPS can be configured to offer any sort of GIS functionality to clients across a network, including access to pre-programmed calculations and/or computation models that operate on spatially referenced data. A WPS may offer calculations as simple as subtracting one set of spatially referenced numbers from another (e.g., determining the difference in influenza cases between two different seasons), or as complicated as a global climate change model. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network, or available at the server. [Source: OGC website]

Dernière modification par Robin (Wed 29 May 2013 14:24)

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#2 Thu 30 May 2013 16:12

Kevin Jousseaume
Participant assidu
Lieu: Nanterre, région parisienne
Date d'inscription: 20 Mar 2006
Messages: 217

Re: Un client WPS pour Arcmap

Merci Robin, ça semble très prometteur !!!

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