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#1 Mon 28 September 2015 22:39

Business Geografic

GeoBI, le composant cartographique pour SAP BO, évolue (EN)

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GeoBI, Business Geografic’s SAP-Certified mapping component for SAP® BusinessObjects™ BI 4, keeps on evolving to maintain the mapping technological advance within SAP® BO BI 4 solutions.

Villeurbanne (France), 29 September 2015 – GeoBI, Business Geografic’s SAP-Certified mapping component for SAP® BusinessObjects™ BI 4, keeps on evolving with several technical and functional improvements that leverage Geo-Analytics and decisional mapping capabilities within SAP® BO BI solutions even further.

GeoBI is developed by Business Geografic, a world leader specialist in Mapping Analytics and Geo-Business Intelligence. GeoBI integrates the spatial dimension right into the semantic layer of SAP® BusinessObjects™ BI solutions, by combining geographical and business data to create dynamic and interactive decisional maps within SAP® BO reports.

GeoBI, released in September 2015, capitalizes on both SAP’s BusinessObjects™ BI 4 SP6 release and Business Geografic’s constantly evolving GIS platform to remain ahead of mapping innovation within SAP® BO BI 4 solutions.

GeoBI comes with major technical benefits for SAP® BO BI 4 users.

•    Higher performance – GeoBI exploits the latest technical improvements brought with SAP® BO BI 4.1 SP6 to boost the processing of large volumes of data, when leading sophisticated analyses involving intricate spatial intersections on several data sources for instance. Users can also merge different spatial dimensions in their analyses to aggregate big data volumes and accelerate geo-analytics and geo-reporting.

•    Easier data exploration – GeoBI users can now easily switch between data sources and reload their map layers based on new data sources.

•    Wider compatibility – GeoBI can now be deployed in Linux-based environments to help and widespread the best mapping practices within the SAP® BusinessObjects™ BI 4 user community. GeoBI also supports SAP’s new UNX BO universe format.

GeoBI brings new mapping and collaborative features for SAP® BO BI 4 users.

•    New display modes – GeoBI maps now benefit from the clustering of points to ensure smarter geo-visualization with maps displaying large volumes of data and multiples analyses. GeoBI also provides customizable straight flow maps on top of curved flows for movement geo-analyses.

•    Improved value-added GEO Services – GeoBI is now fully compatible with Business Geografic’s Isoline GEO Service, thus adding the ability to lead cross-analyses involving time, distances and transport networks. GeoBI can also geocode the addresses and XY coordinates that are contained right within users’ BO universes thanks to Business Geografic’s Geocoding GEO Service.

•    Better sharing and collaboration – GeoBI now enables users not only to save their map drawings and annotations but also to print their BO reports together with their GeoBI maps, in HTML, PDF and XLS formats. GeoBI also extends its collaborative approach by introducing the management of map profiles, in order to facilitate map sharing with users and/or user groups.

•    Improved user experience – GeoBI users can now display their decisional maps in full screen mode; tomorrow’s complete redesigning of the GeoBI Designer, Admin and Viewer interfaces will resolutely place Geo-Analytics at the very forefront of business decision-making within SAP® BO BI 4.

About GeoBI by Business Geografic

GeoBI is an intuitive and powerful professional mapping component enabling SAP® BusinessObjectsTM users to easily “geo-analyze” their business data and indicators on dynamic maps integrated at the heart of their BO reports. Fully interoperable, GeoBI can manage a wide range of geographical data, whatever the data and volumes of data may be: administrative regions, commercial areas, cities and towns, industrial sites or agencies, satellite and aerial images...

GeoBI is the most integrated geo-reporting tool for SAP® BusinessObjectsTM, providing a comprehensive range of professional mapping features fully integrated in BusinessObjectsTM. GeoBI makes geo-analytics within the reach of every organization, making sense of their data and providing them with persuasive and valuable information displayed on a map.

GeoBI, currently in version for SAP® BusinessObjectsTM BI 4, comes with innovative, powerful representation modes such as heat maps and flow maps. GeoBI also offers access to Business Geografic’s GEO Services including geocoding, isolines and route optimization. GeoBI 4 is certified for integration with SAP® BusinessObjectsTM BI 4. GeoBI is also available in version XI for SAP® BusinessObjectsTM XI.

GeoBI is developed by Business Geografic, a French software provider specializing in Web GIS and Geospatial Business Intelligence. Business Geografic has become a geo-spatial Intelligence global leader thanks to its two-fold expertise in both GIS technologies and BI tools. Business Geografic solutions are world-known and recognized as easy-to-use, powerful and feature-rich mapping software. Business Geografic is an SAP Technology Partner and a member of the SAP PartnerEdge.


SAP, BusinessObjects, PartnerEdge and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. See … /index.epx for additional trademark information and notices. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.

For more information: Camille ROSSI, Marketing & Communications Manager at Business Geografic SAS
Email : | Phone: +33 472 691 680 | Fax: +33 478 938 500 | |


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