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#1 Tue 19 July 2016 16:12

Participant occasionnel
Lieu: Goulmima
Date d'inscription: 11 May 2010
Messages: 48

Tiseg-Quality Assessment

Please i need a help i have question about the Tiseg-Quality Assessment .
After Mosaic and projection for the 23 files NDVI for 16 day composites and the 3 composites of the previous and the following year that the process needs in TiSeg  , i started the analysis but the problem is that i'm not finding the appropriate settings for these buttons :
-spatial mode
-Spatial analysis
-Temporal mode
-Temporal analysis
-General Quality

And also for the interpolation :
How to define the gap lengh and the good values to have a proper interpolation
Enclosed a screenshot of the analysis result i did with the settings i chose but i'm not sure if its the correct way.
And if i have to do the same analysis for the LST-Aqua&Terra products ?

Thank you

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#2 Thu 21 July 2016 11:41

Lieu: Grenoble
Date d'inscription: 22 Dec 2011
Messages: 704

Re: Tiseg-Quality Assessment

Bonjour hichamfstgm,

Je ne connais pas du tout ce logiciel d'analyse temporelle, j'ai simplement trouvé cette documentation de Colditz que tu dois déjà connaître j'imagine. … mp;cad=rja

N'y a-t-il pas de meta données fournies avec les images ?


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