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#1 Mon 11 June 2018 21:26

Participant assidu
Date d'inscription: 4 Oct 2008
Messages: 2424

Géolocalisation Indoor : nouveau partenariat HERE et Decawave

Géolocalisation Indoor : nouveau partenariat HERE et Decawave

Suite à l’annonce du partenariat avec Baidu, pour fournir aux utilisateurs de Baidu Maps des données cartographiques de sites indoor, l’acquisition de Micello, fournisseur mondial de cartes indoor, ou encore la collaboration avec Naver Labs pour créer des cartes 3D indoor au sein des aéroports et des gares, HERE poursuit son développement et renforce son offre de services de géolocalisation indoor. … caware.jpgC’est aujourd’hui avec Decawave, une société de semi-conducteurs sans usine, spécialisée dans les applications de localisation et de connectivité, que HERE Technologies annonce un nouveau partenariat stratégique pour accélérer le déploiement de services de géolocalisation indoor de haute précision.
Les deux sociétés ont l’intention de combiner leurs technologies respectives pour proposer une solution de suivi en temps réel, permettant la localisation de ressources dans les usines, les hôpitaux et autres environnements intérieurs. La solution prend en charge le positionnement 3D d’objets et de personnes jusqu’à 10 centimètres.
« Le fait de pouvoir savoir où se trouve votre matériel à tout moment et avec un tel niveau de précision apportera d’énormes avantages aux entreprises partout dans le monde, notamment plus grande d’efficacité et de sécurité » explique Erminio Di Paola, Responsable Tracking chez HERE Technologies, « En travaillant avec la technologie UWB de Decawave, nous augmentons considérablement le nombre d’applications que nous pouvons prendre en charge avec notre service tracking. »
HERE Technologies et Decawave prévoient de commercialiser leur solution commune d’ici la fin de l’année 2018.

Plus d’information dans le communiqué de presse anglais ci-dessous.

HERE and Decawave partner on high-accuracy indoor tracking technology
Planned strategic partnership between HERE Technologies and Decawave to enable high-accuracy tracking of assets in factories, hospitals and other indoor environments
June 5, 2018
Munich – At the European Executive Forum of the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA), HERE Technologies, a global leader in mapping and location services, and Decawave, a fabless semi-conductor company specializing in precise location and connectivity applications, today announced a planned strategic partnership to accelerate the deployment of high-accuracy indoor location services.
The two companies intend to combine their respective capabilities — chipset, software, analytics and indoor mapping services — into a powerful out-of-the-box real-time and energy-efficient tracking solution. Based on Ultra-wideband (UWB) positioning technology, the solution supports the 3D positioning of objects and people down to 10 centimeters in indoor environments, even if there are obstructions in the way. This makes it significantly more useful and reliable for certain applications than other indoor positioning technologies such as WiFi, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).
The companies see a broad array of potential uses for their technology. These include the tracking of parts on a factory floor or medical equipment in a hospital; precision guidance for autonomous drones delivering packages; and automated valet parking for driverless vehicles.
“Being able to know where your stuff is at this level of precision at any time will bring enormous benefits to enterprises everywhere, not least greater efficiencies, security and safety,” said Erminio Di Paola, Head of Tracking at HERE Technologies. “By working with Decawave’s robust UWB chipset technology, we are significantly increasing the breadth of applications we can support with our tracking service.”
“Decawave’s technology has disrupted the indoor location market, opening the door to new products and services, increasing safety and security and driving efficiencies,” said Luc Darmon, Chief Strategy and Business Development Officer at Decawave. “Partnering with HERE, with their significant knowledge and reputation, will enable the mass adoption of new indoor location services across industries for the benefit of the whole value chain.”
The companies expect to begin offering their joint solution later in 2018.
According to ABI Research forecasts*, the worldwide market for indoor asset tracking infrastructure will reach USD 4.5 billion by 2022, with a CAGR of 32%.
*Source: ABI Research, AN-2498: Next-Generation Asset Tracking and RTLS: Opportunities, Applications, and Revenue, December 2017.

About HERE Technologies
HERE, the Open Location Platform company, enables people, businesses and cities to harness the power of location. By making sense of the world through the lens of location we empower our customers to achieve better outcomes – from helping a city manage its infrastructure or a business optimize its assets to guiding drivers to their destination safely. To learn more about HERE, including our new generation of cloud-based location platform services, visit and
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