#1 Wed 02 April 2003 19:04
- Franck Touyaa
- Invité
[ArcGis 8] Calcul distance points
Je travaille sur une couche de points, et je souhaiterais calculer pour chaque point, la distance qui le separe du point voisin le plus proche. Je sais qu'il existait une extension pour la version 3.2 : Nearest Features (nearfeat.avx).
J'aimerais savoir si cela a ete developpe pour la version 8.
Cartographe - geomaticien
Mairie de Nanterre
Service Droit des Sols
#2 Thu 03 April 2003 10:34
- Fleury
- Invité
Re: [ArcGis 8] Calcul distance points
oui j'ai ce code telecharge sur le forum d'esri.com mais dont je n'ai plus l'adresse exacte qui remplit deux champs sur l'OID et la distance au plus proche voisin. voici la macro:
Option Explicit Sub Test() Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument Dim pFlayer As IFeatureLayer Set pFlayer = pMxDoc.FocusMap.Layer(0) NearestNeighbor pFlayer.FeatureClass, pMxDoc.FocusMap.SpatialReference, NearestOID , NearestDis End Sub Sub NearestNeighbor(pFC As IFeatureClass, pSR As ISpatialReference, sNearOIDFld As String, sDistFld As String) Dim lOIDFld As Long lOIDFld = pFC.FindField(sNearOIDFld) If lOIDFld = -1 Then MsgBox field not found: & sNearOIDFld Exit Sub End If Dim lDistFld As Long lDistFld = pFC.FindField(sDistFld) If lDistFld = -1 Then MsgBox field not found: & sDistFld Exit Sub End If Dim pPoints() As IPoint, lOIDs() As Long ReDim pPoints(pFC.FeatureCount(Nothing) - 1) ReDim lOIDs(UBound(pPoints)) Dim pFcur As IFeatureCursor Set pFcur = pFC.Search(Nothing, True) Debug.Print loading arrays Dim l As Long, pFeat As IFeature For l = 0 To UBound(pPoints) Set pFeat = pFcur.NextFeature Set pPoints(l) = pFeat.ShapeCopy pPoints(l).Project pSR lOIDs(l) = pFeat.OID Next l Debug.Print finding nearest neighbors For l = 0 To UBound(pPoints) Dim k As Long, dNearestDist As Double, lNearestOID As Long Dim dDist As Double, pProxOp As IProximityOperator lNearestOID = -1 Set pProxOp = pPoints(l) For k = 0 To UBound(pPoints) If k l Then dDist = pProxOp.ReturnDistance(pPoints(k)) If lNearestOID = -1 Or dDist < dNearestDist Then lNearestOID = lOIDs(k) dNearestDist = dDist End If End If Next k Set pFeat = pFC.GetFeature(lOIDs(l)) pFeat.Value(lOIDFld) = lNearestOID pFeat.Value(lDistFld) = dNearestDist pFeat.Store Debug.Print l Next l End Sub
#3 Thu 03 April 2003 18:55
- Fleury
- Invité
Re: [ArcGis 8] Calcul distance points
De: Mallet
je cherche le moyen de convertir les couches de toponymes de la bd topo fourni au format dxf en shape en recuperant le toponyme en tant qu'attribut alors qu'il ne l'est pas (en attribut) en DXF.
Merci par avance pour les pistes de resolution.
Geomatiquement votre