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#1 Thu 23 February 2006 04:42

Thierry Badard
Participant occasionnel
Lieu: Québec, Canada
Date d'inscription: 5 Sep 2005
Messages: 23
Site web

Premier atelier international en réalité augmentée géospatiale mobile


Vous trouverez ci-joint pour information (en anglais) un appel à
soumission d'articles (courts) pour le premier atelier international en
réalité augmentée géospatiale mobile qui se tiendra à Banff, Alberta,
Canada, les 29 et 30 mai prochains. Cet atelier est organisé par les
membres du laboratoire REGARD (, composante
du CRG (Centre de Recherche en Géomatique) de l'Université Laval à
Québec (Canada) et est financièrement supporté par le Réseau de Centres
d'Excellence GEOIDE.

Merci de diffuser cette information à vos collègues, étudiants ou
connaissances potentiellement intéressés.

En m'excusant par avance pour les envois multiples,

Dr. Thierry Badard.



Call for short papers
May 29-30, 2006
Banff Centre
Banff, Alberta, Canada

The research team of the REGARD laboratory (a component of the CRG -
Center for Research in Geomatics) is proud to invite you to the first
international workshop on mobile geospatial augmented reality (AR),
which will be held on May 29 and 30 in Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Initiated through a grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation
(CFI), the REGARD laboratory is the first Canadian research laboratory
for mobile geospatial augmented reality. It provides the research group
with innovative technologies in augmented reality for emerging
applications in geomatics. The research applications implemented on this
infrastructure aim to provide users with geospatial information, in a
mobile context, adapted to their needs and their location. This will
greatly help the users to better understand and interact with their
surrounding environment.

*The aim and scope*

The purpose of this first international workshop on mobile geospatial
augmented reality is to establish an interdisciplinary forum for leading
researchers from universities, government agencies, and private firms in
order to present and exchange state-of-the-art research and applications
in this field. The workshop is meant to promote networking between the
participants, to initiate and favour discussions regarding cutting-edge
technologies in the field, to exchange research ideas and to promote
international collaboration. The key issues that will be covered during
the workshop include:

   1. Dynamic 3D modeling and simulation
   2. Location Based Services and real time geospatial data delivery
   3. Acquisition and spatial reference
   4. Multi-modal cognition and visualisation

Although the workshop focuses on mobile geospatial AR, the key issues
targeted by the workshop do not exclude research works dealing with
sedentary augmented reality. Presentations concerned with practical
applications that merge AR and geomatics are also greatly encouraged.

*Instructions for authors*

Authors are invited to submit short papers (1500-2000 words) related to
mobile geospatial augmented reality and one or more of the following topics:

   1. Dynamic 3D modeling and simulation

    * Dynamic data structures
    * Geosimulation
    * Moving object databases
    * Management and querying of moving objects
    * Distributed and mobile database design

   2. Location Based Services and real time geospatial data delivery

    * Real time delivery of 3D and hypermedia geospatial data
    * Geospatial Service Oriented Architectures and systems for mobile
      distributed computing
    * Geospatial processing web services
    * Context-aware mobile services and applications
    * GI and web standards and protocols

   3. Acquisition and spatial reference

    * Data capture and 3D digitizing
    * Positioning and real time tracking
    * Qualitative and quantitative spatial referencing
    * Pattern recognition
    * Matching and integration of virtual objects in the real world

   4. Multi-modal cognition and visualisation

    * Cognition and spatial cognition
    * Multi modality
    * Methods for public participation
    * Geo and in situ visualisation
    * Interface design and interactivity

All submissions must be original unpublished work written in English
that is currently not under review elsewhere. The submitted papers will
be refereed for their quality, originality and relevance by the
scientific committee. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop

The papers should be formatted according to a MS Word template available

All submissions will have to be performed through the web submission
system which will be available shortly at

*Important dates*

The workshop will be held on the 29th and 30th of May 2006 and will
precede the 8th GEOIDE Network of Centres of Excellence annual
conference in Banff, Alberta. Here are the important dates for the

   1. Short papers submission             March  31, 2006
   2. Notification of acceptance          May    01, 2006
   3. Registration                        April  15, 2006
   4. Submission of final paper version   May    10, 2006
   5. Workshop                            May 29-30, 2006

*Key note speakers*

4 key note speakers will share their experiences, points of view and
prospects in the domain of (mobile) geospatial augmented reality.

1. Christopher Gold  University of Glamorgan, UK
2. Nicholas Hedley   Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada
3. Tobias Höllerer   University of California in Santa Barbara, CA, USA
4. Wayne Piekarski   University of South Australia, Australia

*Program chairs*

Thierry Badard              CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Sylvie Daniel               CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Geoffrey Edwards            CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi      CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada

*Scientific committee*

Ronald Azuma                HRL Laboratories, CA, USA
Thierry Badard              CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Michela Bertolotto          University College Dublin, Ireland
Scott Darren                Mc Master University, Canada
Frank Ferrie                McGill University, Canada
Nicholas Chrisman           Laval University, Qc, Canada
Christophe Claramunt        IRENav, École Navale, France
Marc Cocard                 CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Sylvie Daniel               CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Matt Duckham                University of Melbourne, Australia
Geoffrey Edwards            CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Naser El-Sheimy             University of Calgary, AB, Canada
Marc Gervais                CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Christopher Gold            University of Glamorgan, UK
Nicholas Hedley             Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada
Tobias Höllerer             UCSB, CA, USA
Songnian Li                 Ryerson University, Canada
Jim Little                  University of British Colombia, Canada
Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi      CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Bernard Moulin              CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Silvia Nittel               University of Maine, USA
Wayne Piekarski             University of South Australia, Australia
Stéphane Roche              CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Monika Sester               University of Hannover, Germany
Cyrus Shahabi               University of Southern California, USA
Michael Worboys             University of Maine, USA
Monica Wachowicz            Wagenigen University, The Netherlands
Robert Weibel               ETH, Switzerland


This workshop is financially supported by the GEOIDE Network of Centres
of Excellence.

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